Big Spruce Reunion: June 28-July 5, 2025
Director: Andrew Wolsey
Guest Minister: Kim Naten
Theme: “Hope In Action”
2025 Reunion Resources: Big Spruce Reunion Brochure 2025
Big Spruce Campground
24862 Ute Trail Rd.
Cedaredge, CO 81413
The Big Spruce Campground is 3.5 miles north of Cedaredge, CO on Hwy 65, then 1.7 miles east on Ute Road, is 7,200 feet above sea level on the south side of the Grand Mesa, with rural residential property all around. Ute Trail Road is asphalt to our entrance. Approximately 20 from the Grand Mesa, fishing, horseback riding and many hiking trails are nearby.
Our kitchen/dining hall, restrooms with showers and our open sided chapel are centrally located. There is a sand volleyball court, horseshoe pits and a recreation building with ping-pong tables. The dorm buildings include several 12′ x 24′ rooms with steel bunks, which can be used for men’s and women’s dormitories or for larger families, and several 12′ x 12′ rooms, for smaller families. Some of the smaller rooms have built-in wooden bunks, double beds, or steel bunks. Dorm space is by assignment, those with special needs and early registrants first.
There are 8 camper spaces with full utility hook-ups and several locations for tents and self-contained units. Camper spaces with full hook-ups can be reserved, other spaces are by first arrival choice. Campers and tents are encouraged because of limited dorm space.
***We request that all campers who will be joining us this season bring their own bedding, towels, and a jacket or sweater, swimsuits and hiking boots.. The nights can be cool in the Colorado mountains, even in the summer!