SPECTACULAR: July 11-20, 2025

Sr. High youth who have completed grades 9-12, this one’s for you! Join the Rockies Delegation travelling from the Denver, CO area to Graceland University in Lamoni, IA for an unforgettable week experiencing a unique blend of arts, leadership, sports and worship. The mission of SPECTACULAR is to create a safe, Christ-centered community that encourages young people to discover God, their inherent worth, and cultivate and express their giftedness.

During SPECTACULAR approximately 1,100 campers and their leaders gather at Graceland University for the largest annual gathering of youth in Community of Christ. Campers can look forward to sharing in all avenues of the SPEC  experience – service projects, communication   workshops, basketball, musical  instruction, table tennis, stage production, worship, delegation devotions, volleyball, tie-dying, cotton candy, discussions about dating and relationships, learning more   about our Creator, soccer, and much, much more.

A detailed schedule and registration will be available soon, so save the date!