June 4, 2014

Every month the staff of the Rocky Mountain Mission Center are inviting you as an individual (and as a congregation) to explore a missional practice and consider engaging in that practice in a process of discernment for the future ministry and mission of the RMMC.


When you visit the Rocky Mountain Mission Center webpage: cofchristrm.org , you will find the encountering mission link. You will also find a link to missional practices. We invite you to explore these pages and participate in this important process of discernment.


How do you participate? Simple: Commit to engaging in missional practices for the next few months as a part of this community of Christ. Open you ears and minds and hearts and spirits in the hope of hearing God’s call for us as a mission center. Stay in contact with us by sharing testimonies of how God is at work in your life or your congregation.


This month’s practice is prayer. I have a story about prayer to share on the webpage and I invite you to visit and read it. I will simply say this: Prayer transforms the world and God invites us to be in prayer and constant relationship with God throughout our lives. How do you pray for the mission center? For your congregation?


Send me your stories of prayer. I’m interested in knowing what prayer means to you and how it has shaped your life. I look forward to hearing from you.


In Christ,
Shandra Newcom


The following is the mission prayer being used by participating congregations in the Leading Congregations in Mission Pilot. However all congregations are being encouraged to incorporate this prayer into the life of the congregation as well as in the lives of individual members. The prayer has been shared in various settings.


“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen




Youth Camps begin! Big Spruce Jr. Camp, June 5-8, Big Spruce Jr. High/Sr. High Camp, June 8-14, Camp Paradise Jr. Camp, June 22-25, Camp Paradise Jr. High Camp, June 22-27. As campers and staff prepare for camp, your prayers of support are appreciated!


Camp Paradise Family Camp: June 18-22, 2014. The theme for this year is Do We Know How to Show Christ’s Love? Guest ministry will be Central Mission Center President, Barbara Borkowski, and LCM Coordinator Rob Borkowski. Please pre-register for family camp and let them know the ages of youth attending and if you have any dietary restrictions. The camp schedule is available online at www.cofchristrm.org. For more information and registration, please contact Jim Smith at smiths.villa@hotmail.com.


Big Spruce Women’s Retreat is June 27-29. The theme is Practicing Love and Forgiveness. Speaker is Evangelist Ruth Smith. We look forward to seeing you there!


Big Spruce Reunion is July 5-12. Guest ministry will be John VanDerWalker, WEstern USA Field Mission Research Assessment and Support Specialist. The theme: Create Shalom: Abolish Poverty, End Suffering. We will be sharing in an evening adventure celebrating Ireland. Bring your best Irish costume, hunger for Irish food, and excitement to explore the culture of Ireland.


Street Retreat and IYF Preparation Gathering: These two events will happen together the weekend of June 20-22. Everyone grades 9-1st year college are welcome to attend both.


Street Retreat will go Friday evening through Sunday morning.


IYF Preparation Gathering will be June 21 from 9-noon in Denver. All people attending IYF are expected to attend. There will be a possibility of Skyping in so you don’t have to drive if you live far away. But if you can make it, please do! We will be getting to know each other and preparing for IYF by learning info and sharing in fellowship. Please note: You do not have to attend the whole Street Retreat in order to come to the IYF Prep gathering. (But we encourage you attendance!) STREET RETREAT INFO BELOW


Sr. High Street Retreat, ABOLISH POVERTY, Downtown Denver, CO.
Join your friends and awesome leaders in an experience of a lifetime. At past retreats we have made music videos, had crazy photo shoots, 16th street mall scavenger hunts, a grand tea party in hotel lounge area… We have worshipped on the 16th street mall and shared communion; we have learned about hunger, poverty and homelessness; and we have made breakfast burritos for the hungry and worked at SAME Cafe.
Grades: 9 – 1st Year College; Cost: $100 To register: call the mission center office at 303-426-5900 or email Rebecca at brussell@cofchristrm.org Youth Registration forms are online at www.cofchristrm.org


International Youth Forum (IYF): July 15-18, 2014 at the Community of Christ Temple in Independence, MO. Early registration deadline is June 10, 2014and the theme this year is Courage. The cost to attend is $210, with transportation and delegation costs approximately $300 per person (transportation fees combine if attending both IYF and SPEC). Eligible students will have completed 9th grade through the first year of university (approximate ages 15-19). We are now accepting online donations for those wanting to support youth attending IYF at: www.cofchristrm.org.


Spectacular: July 18-26, 2014 at Graceland University. Expanded age range for this year; campers who have just completed 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades are invited to attend! The early registration deadline is June 10, 2014. The cost is $380 – sibling and first time friend discounts apply. Transportation will be coordinated by the mission center and will be approximately $300 (transportation fees will combine if attending both IYF and SPEC). Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to gather with nearly 1000 youth from around North America!


Registration for Events: Please consider registering for summer events as soon as possible! It helps directors in their planning if they know numbers of people attending. Thank you!