Happy Reunion Season Everyone!
Yes, it’s that time of year again. I’m at my second reunion/family camp of the summer and once again I’m reminded of the unique and special opportunity we have as a church family to live together with other disciples as community at these events. If you’ve never been to a reunion, you are missing out! Reunions are fun and spirit filled events that bring together a wide variety of people, inviting them to live together in community: to worship and eat and play (volleyball, cribbage, ping pong – you name it).
I’ve been attending reunions all my life. They have instilled in me an understanding of what it takes to make true community. It takes honesty and compassion and good listening skills and a desire to see that each one’s gifts are honored and utilized in day to day living. Community is not easy, but it is to what we are called. And reunions are the perfect place to live out that calling.
If, as I believe, mission is relational, then there is no better way to begin to encounter relationship then at a camp/reunion – and it is a powerful place to encounter God!
I invite you to consider attending our final Family Camp/reunion the end of this month. Information is below. If you can’t attend a camp this summer, I invite you to seek out places where community is built and encounter experienced – maybe in your congregation, maybe at your work place, maybe in your coffee shop, maybe in your home.
Blessings to you this summer!
The following is the mission prayer being used by participating congregations in the Leading Congregations in Mission Pilot. However all congregations are being encouraged to incorporate this prayer into the life of the congregation as well as in the lives of individual members. The prayer has been shared in various settings.
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
International Youth Forum (IYF): July 15-18, 2014 at the Community of Christ Temple in Independence, MO. The theme this year is Courage. The cost to attend is $210, with transportation and delegation costs approximately $300 per person (transportation fees combine if attending both IYF and SPEC). Eligible students will have completed 9th grade through the first year of university (approximate ages 15-19). We are now accepting online donations for those wanting to support youth attending IYF at:www.cofchristrm.org.
Spectacular: July 18-26, 2014 at Graceland University. Expanded age range for this year; campers who have just completed 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades are invited to attend! The early registration deadline is June 10, 2014. The cost is $380 – sibling and first time friend discounts apply. Transportation will be coordinated by the mission center and will be approximately $300 (transportation fees will combine if attending both IYF and SPEC). Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to gather with nearly 1000 youth from around North America!
Rockies Family Camp July 30-August 3, 2014. Linda Booth will be our guest minister and we will be having camp at Peaceful Valley. To register go to cofchristrm.org! We would love to see you there!
SAVE THE DATE!!! Silent Retreat, September 12-14, 2014, Sacred Heart Retreat Center, Sedalia, Colorado, guest ministry Dave and Carolyn Brock, retreat director Marlene Krueger, cost is $140 per person. Mark this date on your calendars. Registration Form available online at www.cofchristrm.org
Registration for Events: Please consider registering for summer events as soon as possible! It helps directors in their planning if they know numbers of people attending. Thank you!
New process for Registered Children and Youth Worker applications is now in effect. To become a Registered Children and Youth Worker, your application must be received by Legal Services at least two weeks before applicant proposes to begin working with children and youth. Processing cannot be guaranteed outside this timeframe. An applicant is not a Registered Children and Youth Worker until Legal Services has authorized and confirmed them as such. Neither completion of training nor submission of an application guarantees registration. Legal Services looks forward to working alongside you on this. For more information, contact Karen Waring, executive assistant to general counsel.
Plan to attend 21st annual Peace Colloquy October 24–26 on the theme, “Poverty: God Weeps.” The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. (CDT) Friday with the Community of Christ International Peace Award ceremony at the Temple in Independence, Missouri. Throughout the weekend we will explore many vital issues we need to understand to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering throughout the world. We will learn about root causes of poverty, poverty traps, and how our best intents may hurt rather than heal. Come learn how Community of Christ ministries and strategic partnerships can lead to approaches that work and are sustainable. The Colloquy will include programming for adults, junior and senior high students, and children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Learn more at www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy.
10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to
www.cofchrist.org/news/10min. The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)
Shandra Newcom
Rocky Mountain Mission Center
Community of Christ