RMMC Weekly Update
November 13, 2014
From Tim Ashburn
Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!
The 2014 Rocky Mountain Mission Center conference was a huge success!! There were about 230 registered for the event. Our guest ministers were Scott Murphy of the First Presidency, Zac McLaughlin, Mission Coordinator of the Eastern Great Lakes Mission Center and Daniel Harmon, Associate Mission Center Financial Officer for the Southwest International Mission Center in California. Some comments from attendees were:
• “The whole conference spoke to me and filled a deep need.”
• “I really enjoyed the ministry of music and Scott’s talks!”
• “Everything was great! We have had a great experience as we have every year.”
• “So blessed to be a part of this mission center.”
• “It was a wonderful experience.”
As you can see by the comments, our conference is much more than attending to business. It is an experience; where the possibility of blessing is available for everyone. And yes we did attend to our business. In the 2 hour business session, the conference passed the 2015 budget of $222,500, which includes increases in office staff salaries as well as health insurance increases for ministerial staff. Slight increases were also possible for youth ministry and conferences and meetings line items. These increases were possible due to earnings in our affiliate investment pool and funds from the closing of the North Platte congregation. In addition, several persons were recognized for their service and achievements over the past year. The annual report is available for anyone wishing to have a copy.
We were a blessed community this past weekend. With our theme being “Encounter” I truly believe that we encountered the sacredness of community as we gathered and participated. At one point I was overcome by the voices that rose around me. After the business session, I took a moment to just sit in the middle of the chaos and witness the joy and laughter of being together. As I looked around the room I could see smiles and laughter and conversation and I could name most everyone I saw and remember a moment or a time that I shared with them in ministry. What a blessing to be a part of this community. If you witnessed this year’s conference I would invite you to be a witness of what you experienced and encourage others to attend next year. I want to thank everyone who was able to attend for being there. I was blessed by your presence.
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
World Church budget reduction in 2015. President Veazey has announced the need for a $7 million budget reduction in order to bring expenses in alignment with income of the World Church. This need is due in part to the decline in income tithes, lower than expected returns from real estate investments and increased expenses in health insurance expenses as well as needed repairs on the Independence Temple. Please make this situation a matter of prayer and respond as personal circumstances allow. Thank you for being mindful of this concerning situation.
SITE to offer 3 more classes: Three more classes are being added to SITE (Seminars In Theological Education), an entire year! If you have attended SITE in the past, even if you have graduated you can return and take the three new classes. They are Peace and Justice, Spirituality and Community of Christ History. Please contact Shandra Newcom for more information at snewcom@cofchrist.org. Several new students committed to SITE at the 2014 Mission Center Conference.
The Mission Center Office will be closed on November 27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Register now for MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies): February 2—6, 2015.
Classes to be offered are Mission and Evangelism with Ron Harmon and Introduction to Spirituality with Katie Harmon-McLaughlin. Cost is $88 per class, or $175 for two classes.
Class times will be announced later. For more information visit www.CofChrist.org/meads/schedule.asp. Register by January 16, 2015, by contacting Katy Toese or ext. 2433.
10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to
www.cofchrist.org/news/10min. The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)