November 19, 2014

Dear Friends,


I’ve been thinking a lot about generosity lately.  I’ve found that the more I take time to think and pray about God’s generous Spirit and about how I can be generous in the world, I more and more find generosity abounds.  I believe that generosity is an act of creativity.  When one is generous, they open up space for something that did not have space before.  Giving and sharing creates possibility.


God is a generous and loving Creator.  We each have been gifted with gifts and talents we can choose to use in creating a world of hope and compassion.  Ours is a unique story of generosity that, when connected with the generosity of others, will create transformation.


What does this look like?


I attend the North Valley congregation.  The members there are like our members throughout the mission center – very, very generous with their finances and time and talents.  I could list all the ways they give back to their community but I want to talk about one specific activity.  The congregation opens the doors once a month for a Community Center night.  They invite any and all folks from around the area to come and play games, enjoy fellowship, learn from guest speakers, make crafts and eat good food.  They’ve been doing this for a year and they’ve had some guests who have really experienced the congregation’s generosity through relationship building.


Something important has happened to the members of the congregation who have helped with this activity.  They’ve found themselves creating space in their lives for deepening relationships with one another.  They’ve played games and spent time in community building in ways they never would have had the doors to the church not been opened in this way.  God has created space in their lives for new relationships.  It is not only the people who’ve come from the community who have experienced the love of Christ.  Members of the congregation have as well.  In ways they could have never imagined.


I know this is true because I see it when I’m there:  the laughter and love that lights the hearts of each one present.  And I know the generosity that the members of North Valley have shared by just showing up and being present is a powerful testimony to the generosity of God in their lives.


As we approach Thanksgiving, may you also experience God’s generosity in ways that move you to create space for peace in the world.


And may you know, always, that you are in my prayers.





Have you checked out the new Community of Christ website?  It’s new and exciting!  Go to: and take a look, explore, and tell your friends!



“God, where will your Spirit lead today?  Help me be fully awake and ready to respond.  Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen





World Church budget reduction in 2015.  President Veazey has announced the need for a $7 million budget reduction in order to bring expenses in alignment with income of the World Church.  This need is due in part to the decline in income tithes, lower than expected returns from real estate investments and increased expenses in health insurance expenses as well as needed repairs on the Independence Temple. Please make this situation a matter of prayer and respond as personal circumstances allow.  Thank you for being mindful of this concerning situation.


SITE to offer 3 more classes: Three more classes are being added to SITE (Seminars In Theological Education), an entire year!  If you have attended SITE in the past, even if you have graduated you can return and take the three new classes. They are Peace and Justice, Spirituality and Community of Christ History.  These classes will take place in 2016.  Please contact Shandra Newcom for more information at


The Mission Center Office will be closed on November 27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.






Register now for MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies): February 2—6, 2015. Classes to be offered are Mission and Evangelism with Ron Harmon and Introduction to Spirituality with Katie Harmon-McLaughlin. Cost is $88 per class, or $175 for two classes. Class times will be announced later. For more information visit Register by January 16, 2015, by contacting Katy Toese or ext. 2433.


10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)

Shandra Newcom Rocky Mountain Mission Center Community of Christ 303-426-5900