Happy Advent, Friends!
I’ve just returned from a weekend retreat at the Kirtland Temple. The theme was: Wait, Behold, Wonder – with a focus on Advent. What a blessing the weekend was! There were 24 of us from all around the country (and Canada) and we spent time together in conversation, prayer, fellowship, group spiritual direction and quiet contemplation.
There were three parts of the retreat that were the most meaningful to me: The first, a tour I took of the Kirtland Temple. I had never been there before. As I walked where our ancestors have walked and gazed upon the work of their passionate dedication to the church and to church leaders, I was moved to recognize the connections through the ages. We come from a family of deeply dedicated and creative people. Their story has become our story and we are richer for having shared it.
The second experience that moved me was our group spiritual sharing. We sat in groups of 6 and each person had five minutes to share whatever was on their heart. As a group, we listened to the one who was sharing openly and with compassion. We didn’t respond. We didn’t try to fix whatever problem or concern they were sharing. We simply listened and held space for them to be honest. As we went around the circle, each one shared and we were all blessed by the sharing. Sharing in that way moved me to feel loved and heard and I found myself realizing things I hadn’t known before. I found myself deepening my relationship with the Spirit.
Finally, the most powerful experience of the weekend was walking the Labyrinth. If you’ve never walked a labyrinth, I encourage you to find a way to have that experience. It is not a maze. There is no way to get lost on a Labyrinth. You simply walk a path that winds into the center of your heart and back out into the world. It’s hard to explain – but so worth it. Walking that Labyrinth brought insight and awareness to my heart and life in powerful and transformative ways. It was an added blessing that the Kirtland Temple was the backdrop for that walk.
The retreat was facilitated by Katie Harmon-McLaughlin. She brought sensitivity, deep spiritual awareness, and an openness to the experience. There will be a retreat during Lent at the Spiritual Formation Center at Kirtland in 2015. I invite you to consider going!
Of course, what all this was about was Advent and how we prepare and make room for the Christ in our lives. I was once again moved to remember that in the trappings of the season, I don’t leave much space for the wonder of the star or the blessings of the birth of Christ.
So my commitment to you this morning is that I will approach this final week before Christmas with hope and generosity. I will keep my eyes open for places where the Spirit has broken in and is shining like the star. I will pay attention to those around me and seek to be a blessing to the lives of the people with whom I come in contact. I will wait, behold, and wonder. I invite you into this space of Advent as well. May you know, now and always, that Jesus is here – and is coming. And may you open your heart and make room!
Merry Christmas!
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
Come celebrate Denver Congregation’s 125th anniversary of proclaiming Jesus Christ and promoting joy, hope, love and peace.
Annual Candle Lighting Service
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
7:00 – 8:00 PM
480 Marion Street
Denver, Colorado
Add to your own Christmas experience by joining us in a service of joy, hope, love, and peace. Anyone who desires may light a candle while listening to music, scripture and poetry. The light of the candle is not diminished by sharing, rather, magnified the more it is shared.
Light refreshments will be served following the service
in the lower Fellowship Hall.
If you would like to participate by sharing music or poetry, please email us at:info@denvercommunityofchrist.org by December 16, 2014.
6th Annual Knit-a-thon, Saturday, January 10, 10am – 5pm at the Mesa County Central Library: This event provides a space for knitters/crocheters of all ages and skill levels to come together and create hats and other items for the newborn babies at St. Mary’s hospital and cancer patients in the oncology department, as well as the homeless who receive services at Homeward Bound in Grand Junction. If members cannot travel to attend this event, please consider meeting in your own community during this weekend, it could be the first mission center wide knit-a-thon, and items can be donated to local hospitals. Activities are planned for youth and participants. Please notify Naomi Barlow if you will be attending and if you need housing. nomebarlow@gmail.com, or (970)623-1455.
Sr. High Ski Retreat, January 23-25, Salida, CO:
The annual Sr. High Ski Trip is open to youth in grades 9-12. The weekend will include games, downhill skiing/snowboarding, or snowshoeing/cross country skiing, Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, fun & fellowship! In past years, cost has varied from $75-$120 depending on ski activity and number of youth attending. Deadline for registration is Saturday, January 3. For registration or more information, contact Jordan Wight wight.jordan@gmail.com, and/or Naomi Barlow nomebarlow@gmail.com.
Emergency Preparedness Training in 2015. What would YOU do if an Emergency/Disaster hit Church – Home – Work – Community? Know how to plan for an emergency; Learn basic response skills focusing on emergency/disaster training
and safety. This is an opportunity to provide training, information and service for the communities in which our congregations reside. The Denver Office of Emergency Management has been working with David Cook, a priesthood member in Castle Rock. The Denver OEM wants to run a pilot program in emergency/disaster training preparation in which communities where we have congregations. The congregation would serve as a location and host for the community to receive such training. Please contact Rebecca, at the mission center office if your congregation is interested in being a part of this community project. brussell@cofchristrm.org Pastors are being sent more specific information.
SITE to offer 3 more classes: Three more classes are being added to SITE (Seminars In Theological Education), an entire year! If you have attended SITE in the past, even if you have graduated you can return and take the three new classes. They are Peace and Justice, Spirituality and Community of Christ History. Please contact Shandra Newcom for more information at snewcom@cofchrist.org. Several new students committed to SITE at the 2014 Mission Center Conference.
When registering for an event using the RMMC website please note!: In order to receive an email confirmation of registration for an event, please make sure your SPAM manager setting allows you to receive emails from cofchristrm.org. If you are still not able to receive a confirmation of registration please contact Rebecca in the mission center office, brussell@cofchristrm.org
A Nichole Nordeman concert at the Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, January 23rd7:30pm, which will benefit the Feed-My-Starving-Children Slammin’ Famine event the following month. Information about this concert and event are attached to this email. There is opportunity to share this information in your congregation. This concert and event is being sponsored by The Gathering at Windsor. (see attachment for more information)
From Graceland University: “Interested in advancing your education?”
If you are a school educator you may want to explore these M.Ed emphases:
• Mild/Moderate Special Education
• Curriculum and Instruction in a Quality Classroom
• Technology Integration
• Differentiated Instruction
• Management in a Quality Classroom
• Literacy Instruction
For non-school personnel, we offer an M.Ed in Instructional Leadership.
Our programs are online, highly accredited and some of the very best in the country.
In fact, our Master of Education Program is rated #11 in the country by U.S. News and World Report!
For information, please call or e-mail Jeanette Calipetro at 816-423-4715 or jcali1@graceland.edu.
The Mission Center Office will be closed December 23 thru January 4 for the Christmas and New Year Holidays. The office will re-open on Monday, January 5, 2015. If there is an emergency situation during this time, please call the office number and dial the appropriate extension of the person you are trying to contact.
Next Peace Award at 2016 Conference
The next Community of Christ International Peace Award will be presented at the 2016 World Conference to be held June 4–11. We believe the World Conference provides a larger and more internationally diverse assembly to participate in the presentation of this significant award and to hear the remarks of the recipient. Because we are integrating the International Peace Award and related activities into the 2016 World Conference, there will not be a Peace Colloquy in 2015. We look forward to sharing a memorable and inspiring 2016 World Conference with all delegates and attendees.
The First Presidency
The Disciple Formation News will be e-mailed automatically each month to all who have subscribed for Community of Christ News. There is no need to sign up for an additional subscription! News will include highlighted resources, ideas for small group ministries, and teaching tips. We would love to feature the exciting ministries taking place in your congregation, so please share your ideas (don’t forget to include photos!).
Questions? Contact Janné Grover
Shandra Newcom
Rocky Mountain Mission Center
Community of Christ