February 4, 2015

RMMC Weekly Update

February 4, 2015

From Tim Ashburn


Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!


            Coming up in March, is the Celebration of the North Platte congregation, which is in the process of closing.  For almost 100 years the North Platte congregation has provided ministry to the community.  I have had the privilege of viewing some of those ministries as pictures have come to me to prepare for the celebration.  Many lives have been impacted by the presence of people of faith, who have desired to make Jesus their role model of ministry.  All congregations have a beginning.  Some are well known others perhaps not.  I do not know the story of the beginning of the North Platte congregation, but I do wonder if its founders had the vision of the many years of ministry that their energy and faithfulness have brought generations of persons.

Many times I find myself turning to the west in Colorado.  I am always amazed at the scene that is constantly changing over the mountains.  Some days reveal beautiful sunsets, clouds swirl and intertwine with the high peaks, then there is snow and the constant changing of the hues of light.  I find myself drawn to the mountains.  There are moments when I scope out a particular valley or slope and I want to plop down right in the middle of that place.  I have a view, a vision of where I want to be and how that place will be once I get there.  With the exception of parachuting out of a plane, the only possible way to get to the place I am envisioning is to make the trek from the plains through the foothills, taking trails, finding routes that will finally lead me to the place I seek.  I must plan for the trip, I have to use a map and compass or a GPS, I suppose, to guide me to my destination.  The route through the mountains is not straight, there are many detours.  There are streams to cross, peaks that must be navigated, and undoubtedly there will be routes that were thought to be open that will not be, due to rock slides or downed timber.  The trails are spars, giving some relief from time to time, but in essence I am bushwhacking my way to that place that I saw from down below so clearly.  Keeping my vision set on the goal of that high mountain valley with gentle slopes.

I suppose the analogy is obvious.  Our journey as a people of faith begins with vision, but not ours alone, but a vision that is divinely created and molded by the encounter and relationship we nurture with our God.  Our path, while challenging, is not without joy as we discover the places we had not seen before along the way.  Our path molds us, our path teaches us, our path unfolds before us as we take on the vision that is shared by our divine creator.  It is amazing!

It must have been an amazing experience to see a congregation being born in North Platte.  The excitement for a vision of God’s people in the community must have had great power and presence as obstacles were overcome.  Now, our connection and encounter with God calls us to vision; to a place seen yet unseen, to a future known yet unknown; I invite all leaders to come to the March Leadership Gathering in Fort Collins to be in the presence of God in community as we learn and discern together the path forward.






“God, where will your Spirit lead today?  Help me be fully awake and ready to respond.  Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen




 The next SITE (Seminars in Theological Education) class will be “Preaching” with Dale Luffman and is scheduled for February 6-8, 2015, followed by another on May 1-3, 2015.  If you are interested in more information about SITE, please contact Shandra Newcom at: snewcom@cofchrist.orgSITE will also be offering 3 more classes in 2016!  Even if you have attended SITE classes in the past (or graduated from the SITE program) you can return and take the three new classes. The classes are Peace and Justice, Spirituality and Community of Christ History.  


March 13-14th: Leadership Weekend, Fort Collins Congregation. Calling all Leaders!  Apostle Ron Harmon will be attending the gathering this year. We expect this to be largely a time of spiritual renewal and inspiration for leadership. Online registration is now available!! $20.00 per person. Please contact Rebecca at the mission center office with questions, brussell@cofchristrm.org.


North Platte Congregation Closing Celebration, March 15, 2015, 10:30 a.m. North Platte, Nebraska.   The celebration will be held at the AG Center located at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds: 5015 Rodeo Road, North Platte, NE 69101. Apostle Ron Harmon and the RMMC staff will be participating in the Celebration of the North Platte congregation’s almost 100 year ministry.  Everyone from the Rocky Mountain Mission Center is invited to attend this celebration of ministry; lunch will be provided after the service. Directions can be found online at www.cofchristrm.org   Please RSVP Rebecca, brussell@cofchristrm.org in the mission center office so we know how many to plan for.

April 10-12: Junior Retreat & Junior High Retreat, Fort Collins Congregation. ***Please note this is a date change for the Junior High Retreat.*** The director for the Junior Retreat is DeziRae Astle. The directors for the Junior High Retreat are Cherry and Shandra Newcom. Programming, staff and sleeping spaces will be totally separate for each retreat but meals and some recreation time may be shared. The cost is $50, details coming soon, questions? Juniors (3rd-5th grade) contact DeziRae at dastle@cofchrist.org and Junior Highs (6th-8th grade) contact Shandra at: snewcom@cofchrist.org


Sr. High Street Retreat is scheduled for April 24-26, 2015 in Denver, CO.  Please put this event on your calendar and be a part of this unique experience!  More details will be announced at a later date.  Contact DeziRae Astle at dastle@cofchrist.org with questions.  Register with Rebecca at brussell@cofchristrm.org


Attention Pastors and CFOs: Congregational Grants and Annual Congregational Audit Reminder.  April 30, 2015 is the due date for both Congregational Grant Applications as well as the 2014 Congregational Audits.  Please go to www.cofchristrm.org for more information on both of these items.  If you have questions please contact Tim at tashburn@cofchrist.org


2015 Festival of Homiletics – Denver, CO, May 11-15, 2015.  “Preaching from the Mountain: Heralds of Good Tidings”  The 2015 Festival of Homiletics is coming to Denver this May.  This is a great opportunity for all pastors and ministers in Community of Christ to experience education on public ministry and preaching skills from some of the world’s leading Christian speakers and professors.  Here are some of the presenters: Walter Brueggeman, Will Willimon, Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass and many others.  The 2015 Festival of Homiletics will be hosted by three churches all located in the heart of downtown Denver and representing vibrant faith communities. Early bird registration per person for the week of the festival is $270 by February 16th afterwards, $285.  Early bird group registration is $255 by February 16th afterwards $270.   Single Day Registration will be available beginning Monday, April 13, 2015. Select the single registration option. The ability to select single days will be presented on page 2. (Cost Monday and Friday $75 per day, Tuesday through Thursday $100 per day). Registration Includes: all lectures, worships and workshops, as well as all scheduled evening events. Travel, lodging and meals are the responsibility of the individual.  If there is enough interest the RMMC can facilitate the group registration and possible housing with local church members.  Go to www.festivalofhomiletics.com for more information on the festival.  Please send an email to Rebecca at brussel@cofchristrm.org if you are interested in pursuing the group rate.


Giving Voice to Your Legacy Program to take place during Rockies Family Camp, July 29 – August 2, 2015 (On a day of the camp).

Some of us have planned for our financial security in our retirement years, but find we are outliving our plans.  Some of us have had significant changes in our health and family dynamics, and still some of us haven’t planned much at all.  We might also have minor children, and don’t yet have a Will in place in the event guardianship is needed.  This program will cover how to get started in establishing a complete estate plan that would include a living trust, will, power of attorney for financial and health care decisions and a living will.  We will also explore ways to potentially increase your income through charitable gift planning.  The program will be presented by Denise Jensen of IHQ Mission Funding department.  You can sign up to attend when you arrive at Reunion or for more information or to schedule a private visit beforehand, please give Denise a call at 1-800-884-7526, option 3 or email djensen@cofchrist.org.


Emergency Preparedness Training in 2015. What would YOU do if an Emergency/Disaster hit Church – Home – Work – Community?  Know how to plan for an emergency; Learn basic response skills focusing on emergency/disaster training and safety.  This is an opportunity to provide training, information and service for the communities in which our congregations reside.  The Denver Office of Emergency Management has been working with David Cook, a priesthood member and Seventy living in Castle Rock.  The Denver OEM wants to run a pilot program in emergency/disaster training preparation in which communities where we have congregations.  (Workshops can be 1-2 hours, depending on the interest of the congregation).  The congregation would serve as a location and host for the community to receive such training.  Please contact Rebecca, at the mission center office if your congregation is interested in being a part of this community project. brussell@cofchristrm.org  Dave Cook is available to provide ministry upon request.


When registering for an event using the RMMC website please note!:  In order to receive an email confirmation of registration for an event, please make sure your SPAM manager setting allows you to receive emails from cofchristrm.org.  If you are still not able to receive a confirmation of registration please contact Rebecca in the mission center office, brussell@cofchristrm.org





Letter of Counsel Regarding the Presiding Quorums go to http://www.cofchrist.org/letter-of-counsel to read the recent Letter of Counsel.

President Stephen M. Veazey looks forward to interacting with you on April 12, 2015.  Join the worldwide church in an interactive, webcast-only event April 12 at 6:00 p.m. (CDT).  The focus will be on oneness and equality in Christ (paragraphs 10-14 of the words of counsel presented to the 2013 World Conference).  An update on giving trends, budget numbers, and steps being taken to balance the budget also will be shared.


Announcements: For more information from the World Church please go to www.cofchrist.org/announcements You may also subscribe to the following blogs and resources to receive them in your email: Daily Bread Blog, Evangelist Blog, CofChrist News, CofChrist Announcements, Commentary Series, Music Matters, and the High Priest Newsletter.  You may select which information sources you receive, just go to www.cofchrist.org then from the “Connect” drop down menu click on “Subscribe” and select which items you would like to receive.