April 2, 2015

RMMC Weekly Update

April 2, 2015

From Tim Ashburn


Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!


Regardless of how each of us views this time of year, we are in the midst of celebrating the hope, promise and reality of new life.  Right now there may be some that are already scoffing at the words “hope,” “promise,” and “new life.”  Perhaps your thoughts go to such notions as “if he only knew what I was going through he would understand how thinking about ‘new life’ is so far from my reality.”  Or perhaps you are a person who is basking in the reality of newness, of sweetness in your own life.  You might say “amen, brother!”  Then there are those of us who are somewhere in between, who feel the promise of hope, but also feel the burdens that life brings. I am sure there are other categories of states of being that one could find themselves in.  At any moment in time we might pray the prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.  A prayer so full of truth and honesty during a time of true despair that all we can do is lay the concern before God and trust beyond knowing that all will be well in the end.

Essentially our journey of faith comes down to a willingness to venture beyond the places where our feet meet the earth.  We do not have the foresight to know or understand where our lives will wander or how our life intersects with someone else.  Strangers become friends, new life emerges at the least expected places and new hope is born to unsuspecting by-standers.  I wonder what the view was like from inside the tomb.  I suppose darkness so black that no light could shine, but I wonder if there was just a trickle of light at the edges of the stone that blocked the doorway.  What if there was a sprinkle of hope, one pinpoint of light that danced on the wall?

Easter calls us to search for that one point of light, the light that promises a world beyond where we may now find ourselves, one glimmer of promise that calls our beings to launch in ways that our minds cannot now vision.  Easter dares us to have faith and hope even when the darkness seems thick and our view is cloudy.  It gives us the ability to see possibilities not considered before, to see clearly a path unchartered but full of wonderful experiences that bring breath and life.  To enter, means we must be open and vulnerable to the one that beckons us onward, and above all, to trust in the relationship that assures of us of our belovedness.  With each day new, each day full of promise, how will we choose to live and share our lives?  Can we see the hope, promise and new life peeking through, ready to bring renewal to us and all creation?  Life is hard, at times agonizing and the road ahead is full of obstacles, there seems to be no clear way beyond our present reality.  Of course, one has to ask, what reality are we choosing to see? Is it beyond the stone in the darkness, can we imagine just for a moment the piercing light of a love that that has no bounds?  What we see is very often a matter of choice.  May we choose to see new life, even as we witness God’s new life springing forth.








“God, where will your Spirit lead today?  Help me be fully awake and ready to respond.  Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen




Visual Identity Standards of Community of Christ, “Our visual identity is part of what communicates, ‘This is who we are. This is Community of Christ.’  It is part of what builds a Community of Christ identity that is distinct among the world’s many faiths.


Careful management of visual identity is important. When people’s experiences with Community of Christ reinforce the values associated with our identity, mission, message, and beliefs, trust and loyalty develop.” Visual Identity Standards, Edition 1, November 4, 2014, p. 5.


In the past there have been several symbols that have been used on stationary, printed materials for classes etc.  These new guides are standardizing the symbols, colors and layout of how and when they are used.  Please use these standards in future publications and use of the church’s symbols.


To view a copy of the Visual Identity Standards for Community of Christ and to download stationery, envelopes etc. please go to www.CofChrist.org/visual-identity You can click on the items you need, download to your computer and type in the specific information for your congregation or campground.  Please use these resources for communication both inside and outside the congregation.  If you have questions about the use of these new visual standards please contact Becca in the mission center office. brussell@cofchristrm.org


The Loveland congregation will present a Tenebrae service (aka “Service of Darkness”) the evening of Good Friday Apr 3 at 7:30pm. The Tenebrae (Latin for “darkness”), dates back to the 4th century according to some sources. Traditionally observed during Holy Week, it focuses on the final hours of Jesus’ life and crucifixion. It is a reminder of the magnitude of God’s love; a love so great that it continues through all time and eternity. While we all can appreciate the joy that comes each Easter, when contrasted with an understanding of the price He paid, as conveyed through the Tenebrae, our joy is heightened.

You can contact Kirk Bell, (director) for more information or Charles Milner at cmilner1@mindspring.com


April 10-12: Junior Retreat & Junior High Retreat, Fort Collins Congregation.


Big Peace Heroes Junior Retreat: 3rd – 5th Grade Using the concepts from Young Peacemakers Club for our learning and worship experiences and the movie Big Hero 6 as our adventurous backdrop we will explore what it means to be big heroes in peace for ourselves, our families, friends, communities and planet. We will start our weekend out by making peace hero costumes and then join into teams to make big hero robots of our own in a challenge of teamwork and creativity. We will end the evening by watching Big Hero 6 of course! On Saturday we will delve deeply into the peace for me, peace for us, peace for everyone and peace for the planet concepts with hands on activities and vibrant, fun, kid focused and led worship; our service project will be to collect non perishable food for the hungry in a scavenger hunt challenge; a crazy obstacle course will bring a burst of energy mid day; and our evening mystery dinner will be surely be thrilling surprise. Sunday we will close with breakfast and an exciting worship full of God’s love for each child and affirmations of their ability to be Big Peace Heroes everyday.


We Are All In This Together:   Junior High Retreat:  6th-8th Grade

Join us as we learn how to be in community with each other and with God.  We will start our weekend in Madagascar as those wild and crafty penguins remind us that we are always with friends on our journey. Saturday we will experience God through learning about sacraments, taking some time to play outside and through community art.  Saturday night we will enjoy a mystery dinner (that’s all I can say about that…).  Sunday morning we will close with worship that will use everyone’s gifts in meaningful ways.  Plan on fun having a lot of fun with your friends!  The cost for both retreats is $50.   Questions? Juniors (3rd-5th grade) contact DeziRae at dastle@cofchrist.org and Junior Highs (6th-8th grade) contact Shandra at: snewcom@cofchrist.org


The next SITE class will be taught by John Hamer.  The class is: Community of Christ Scriptures.  If you are interested in joining SITE and this class, please contact Shandra Newcom at:  snewcom@cofchrsit.org by April 15.


Latter-day Seeker Ministry opportunity with John Hamer, Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 6:30 Refreshments, 7-9 presentation/discussion at the Greenwood Village congregation. John Hamer, a member of Community of Christ, former member of the LDS church, historian and cartographer has taught in our SITE program in the past and will teach Community of Christ Scriptures in the May session. John is part of a team of Community of Christ leaders and members who are working with and providing resources and connection with Latter-day Seekers, persons who are becoming disenchanted with the LDS church.  This evening would be a great opportunity to come and learn more about this ministry and to also meet some Latter-day Seekers who may come to hear what John has to present.  I highly encourage those in the metro Denver area to come and be a part of this opportunity to learn and share.


Denver Street Retreat ***NEW DATE*** May 1-3, 2015: Encountering the World on the Streets of Denver Join us as we explore world religions, food from around the world, poverty and peace across the world all on the streets of Denver! Highlights include: meal at Mataam Fez, 16th Mall Scavenger Hunt, visit to Jewish & Buddhist Temples, laughing mob, freeze poverty demo and making music videos! Register by April 16th, $100 Registration cost after this date will include price increase for hotel and may not be guaranteed if more rooms can’t be reserved. To register please send form and payment to mission center office. Once registered/paid refunds will not be issued because hotel rooms and other activities must be paid in advance.  Contact DeziRae Astle at dastle@cofchrist.org with questions.  Register with Rebecca at brussell@cofchristrm.org

Camp Paradise Opening, May 8-10, 2015, You are invited to assist with the opening of Camp Paradise for the 2015 camping season.  Come and camp or stay in the lodge, bring you own food and help get the camp ready for another season of ministry, fun and fellowship. All types of skills and help are needed. The weekend begins at 6 pm on Friday, May 8th and ends Sunday, May 10th at 12 noon.  If you have questions please contact Michael Nelms at 970-215-5423 or by email at mnelms66@gmail.com NO CAMP FEES!

Young Adult Retreat May 22-25 in Boulder, CO.  The theme for this year’s retreat is: “One Voice in the Crowd.”  We will be experiencing a peace, justice and spirituality retreat together and woold love to see you there!.  Cost is: $120 per person.  Everyone ages 18-35 is invited to join us.  We start Friday night at 6 p.m. and go through Monday at noon.  Please note: (If you’re interested in running the Boulder Boulder, we will be in the perfect spot for it!)  Questions?  Contact Shandra Newcom at : snewcom@cofchrist.org


Attention Pastors and CFOs: Congregational Grants and Annual Congregational Audit Reminder.  April 30, 2015 is the due date for both Congregational Grant Applications as well as the 2014 Congregational Audits.  Please go to www.cofchristrm.org for more information on both of these items.  If you have questions please contact Tim at tashburn@cofchrist.org






President Stephen M. Veazey looks forward to interacting with you on April 12, 2015 The President’s Address Sunday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m. (CDT) The focus will be on oneness and equality in Christ (paragraphs 10–14 of the words of counsel presented to the 2013 World Conference). An update on giving trends, budget numbers, and steps being taken to balance the budget also will be shared. Following the address, President Veazey will answer your e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook questions live.  Please stay tuned to the question and answer session as this will be the portion of the presentation that will include sharing about the current budget concerns of the World  Church. In preparation:

All addresses will be webcast live in English, French, and Spanish.


Spiritual Formation Retreats at the Independence and Kirtland Temples, please see below for more information about 2015 retreats. “You can find more information about what we offer at www.spiritualformationcenter.org.




WHAT: Join us in a spiritual retreat focused on cultivating a spirit of stubborn hope in the Easter season! For more information: http://spiritualformationcenter.org/news-and-events/stubborn-hope-spiritual-retreat/

WHEN: April 10-12, 2015

WHERE: Community of Christ Temple (Independence, MO)

RETREAT FACILITATOR: Katie Harmon-McLaughlin

COST: $60.00 (Student Cost- $30.00)

Registration Deadline: March 23, 2015



What: A spiritual retreat with President Stephen M. Veazey exploring the connection between Spirit and Mission. For more information: http://spiritualformationcenter.org/news-and-events/a-spiritual-venture-spiritual-retreat/

WHEN: October 23-25, 2015

WHERE: Spiritual Formation Center 7809 Joseph St. Kirtland, OH 44094

COST: $50.00

Registration Deadline: October 1, 2015


If you have any questions or would like to schedule spiritual retreat or pilgrimage to the Kirtland or Independence Temple, please feel free to contact Katie Harmon-McLaughlin at khmclaughlin@cofchrist.org.




Announcements: For more information from the World Church please go to www.cofchrist.org/announcements You may also subscribe to the following blogs and resources to receive them in your email: Daily Bread Blog, Evangelist Blog, CofChrist News, CofChrist Announcements, Commentary Series, Music Matters, and the High Priest Newsletter.  You may select which information sources you receive, just go to www.cofchrist.org then from the “Connect” drop down menu click on “Subscribe” and select which items you would like to receive.



Tim Ashburn

President/Financial Officer

Rocky Mountain Mission Center


800-783-6760, ext. #2