RMMC Weekly Update
May 14, 2015
From Tim Ashburn
Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!
It has been a full and exciting week! The Festival of Homiletics has been in Denver this whole week and we have had 6 to 8 Community of Christ members attend most of the week’s sessions. The speakers I have had the privilege of hearing have noted the all too common trends in current research that participation in church continues to decline, that the institutional church continues to struggle. We see it in our own denomination as we prepare to deal with the reality of major budget cuts at the World Church level. We live with this reality as we experience less participation in our local congregations. Even though we live in the midst of this reality, the testimony is that God is alive! Even as the church struggles to remold and reshape itself while experiencing obvious decline, the word is, “God is alive.” And this God continues to call and continues to move and live among us.
In addition to the Festival, I had the privilege of attending an introduction to Latter-day Seekers ministry by President of Seventy Robin Linkhart this past Wednesday in the Longmont congregation. Robin shared that the Latter-day Seekers Ministry is the current major missional opportunity before the Community of Christ. This ministry is focused on those in the LDS church who have become disaffected, who are questioning whether or not it is time to find a new faith community to be a part of. Some are looking at the Community of Christ for a possible spiritual home. It is her testimony that God is calling the Community of Christ to be ready to provide comfort and invitation, a place of hope and healing to those who are struggling who are hurt, who are searching.
For me this is more evidence of the movement of God in our World, not the discontent with the LDS church, but the possibility that Community of Christ has a place for people that are hurting, that need healing and hope in their lives. Below I share a recent email from Rich Kohlman of the Fort Collins congregation, with permission. Rich shares the Fort Collins congregation recent experience with a visitor and the visitor’s “thank you” to the congregation.
Finally, we need to be ready to invite and receive visitors, guests, those that are searching for a spiritual home, be it Latter-day Seekers or strangers we are yet to meet. God is alive! May we continue to pray and discern on what it means to be called “Community of Christ” for the new day that is dawning in our current reality.
From Rich Kohlman:
Dear Tim and Robin,
Thought you might be interested in this thank you the Fort Collins congregation received this week. Rob Lauer was a the guest director for a play at CSU, The Hobbit. He was here in town for six weeks and just left on Monday. He had watched John Hamer’s two-hour film “Mormon Stories” the night before he first came to visit our congregation and was here every Sunday for the entire six weeks. He is a Facebook friend of John Hamer now, and John had invited him to his Wednesday night event. Unfortunately he had already returned home. A number of us went to see the production which was outstanding. He lives in Virginia with his partner Kerry. He is a former Mormon and among his many accomplishments is he directed the Mormon production at Hill Cumorah for I think six years. Anyway, here is his thank you.
From Rob Lauer:
Thanks for everything while I was in Fort Collins. I honestly can’t express how deeply I’ve been touched by what I found and experienced in the Community of Christ while there. After forty years as a Mormon with a love of Mormon history and an interest in all varieties of Mormon/Restorationist theologies, I am now realizing that what I originally thought I would find in Mormonism at age 16—what I desperately hoped I would find in Mormonism—is what I have found in the Community of Christ.
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
Young Adult Retreat May 22-25 in Boulder, CO. The theme for this year’s retreat is: “One Voice in the Crowd.” We will be experiencing a peace, justice and spirituality retreat together and woold love to see you there!. Cost is: $120 per person. Everyone ages 18-35 is invited to join us. We start Friday night at 6 p.m. and go through Monday at noon. Please note: (If you’re interested in running the Boulder Boulder, we will be in the perfect spot for it!) Questions? Contact Shandra Newcom at : snewcom@cofchrist.org
Camp Paradise Reunion: Live, Love, Laugh, Share in Community, June 17 – 21, 2015
Join us for a time of… renewal and rest, inspiration and challenge, fellowship and fun, relevant learning and vibrant worship, inspirational vision and meaningful mission, entering into deeper relationships with God, one another and ourselves and of building the beloved community of God in our little piece of paradise and beyond. Our 2015 reunion resource Live, Love, Share focuses on words of counsel brought to the church by President Stephen M. Veazey at the 2013 World Conference—to be and do God’s vision and mission in a more practical and transformative way than ever before.
Guest Ministry
John S. Wight is a minister of Community of Christ, is field missionary coordinator for the North Central USA/Canada Mission Field. He has served as a president of seventy since 1998. He currently serves as president of the Quorum 10 and was set apart as senior president of seventy in 2010.
John received a bachelor of arts in communication arts from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, and a master of arts in religion from Community of Christ Seminary at Graceland University, Independence, Missouri.
He was employed as director of computer operations for Joint Action in Community Service, a national non-profit, volunteer organization working with at-risk youth. He is a professional registered parliamentarian and member of the National Association of Parliamentarians. John received the World Church International Youth Service Award in 1981 for his volunteer service and ministry to youth.
Jena Wight, originally from Blue Springs, Missouri, is currently pursuing a Master’s of Music in Trumpet Performance at The Colburn Conservatory in Los Angeles, CA. Jena graduated in 2013 from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music with a degree in Trumpet Performance.
In the summer of 2014, Jena taught a class and provided music ministry at the Brush Creek Mission Center Reunion. During the summers of 2012 and 2013 Jena served as a Temple tour guide at the Community of Christ Headquarters. She served as a World Service Corps volunteer in Malawi, Africa in the summer of 2011. In 2010, she was an intern with Outreach International, and in 2009 she served in Independence as a World Service Corps intern and also traveled to Nicaragua with Outreach International in January of that year.
Jena is a certified SCUBA diver and enjoys hiking, traveling, and quilting. She also enjoys playing and touring with the Fountain City Brass Band and the Borderline Brass Quintet.
Bryan Tidwell is originally from Casper Wyoming, is currently finishing up his last year at Graceland with a BA in Visual Communications.
At Graceland Bryan was very involved in Community of Christ Leadership Program, Res Life, he was a House President and also Apartment Manager. He has loved his involvement on campus.
In the summer of 2012 he had participated as a camp intern at Deer Park PA.
Bryan enjoys his time outdoors, he loves to fish, hike, camp and in the winter loves to snowboard. Bryan says, “I have always loved camp, especially Camp Paradise. I can’t wait to see you all!”John received a bachelor of arts in communication arts from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, and a master of arts in religion from Community of Christ Seminary at Graceland University, Independence, Missouri.
He was employed as director of computer operations for Joint Action in Community Service, a national non-profit, volunteer organization working with at-risk youth. He is a professional registered parliamentarian and member of the National Association of Parliamentarians. John received the World Church International Youth Service Award in 1981 for his volunteer service and ministry to youth.
John received a bachelor of arts in communication arts from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, and a master of arts in religion from Community of Christ Seminary at Graceland University, Independence, Missouri.
Registration is now open!!!
Costs are as follows:
$100 ages 12 and up, $75 ages 5-11, $50 ages 0-4
Cost increases by $20 for all registrations filed/mailed after 6/8/15
Registration closes 6/15/15
Online Registration: Click Here
Printable Registration Form: Click Here
Mail registration with payment to:
Rocky Mountain Mission Center 9501 Lou Drive Denver, CO 80260
Wednesday Night Agape Meal
Thursday Night Movie under the Stars
Friday Night Talent Show & Auction
Saturday Scavenger Hunt, Building a Labyrinth, and Wild West Hoedown
Please see the attached registration form or go online to www.cofchrist.org to register. For questions please contact DeziRae Astle at dastle@cofchrist.org
Big Spruce Women’s Retreat: June 26-28, 2015! The theme for the retreat is “Jesus Calling.” Guest ministry will be women from the Farmington, NM congregation, who will talk about how some daily entries from Jesus Calling have affected their lives. For those who would like to purchase the daily devotional book, Jesus Calling is written by Sarah Young and published by Thomas Nelson Nashville, 2011. Irene Olive with have the Saturday afternoon activity involving a craft project to honor the big spruce that fell last year. This will be a very special event that will provide people with a visual memory of the giant spruce that stood for decades along the creek at the campground’s baptismal site. Registration and tentative schedule can be found online at www.cofchristrm.org.
Attention all you 14er Summit Climbers, from Outreach International comes the 2015 Summit Challenge! “We want to invite you to hike one of Colorado’s 54 14ers and participate in our first annual mountain climb charity –the 2015 Summit Challenge…The Summit Challenge is taking place in colorful Colorado this summer on the date of the participant’s choosing….Challenge yourself individually, or get a team together. Invite your family, friends, coworkers, congregation, school or sports team to join you. People of all ages are welcome – especially mountain-climbing enthusiasts!” Want to learn more about the challenge? Check out our website at www.outreach-international.org/summit
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE SYMPOSIUM Restorative Justice and Forgiveness?
(For more information please contact Dorcas, Wilkinson at dorcas.w@comcast.net)
Thursday, September 24 & Friday September 25, 2015, Beth-El Mennonite Church.
Join us for deeply moving, interactive presentations on restorative justice. Dr. Mark Umbreit, Professor and Director of Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, University of Minnesota, School of Social Work, will deliver the keynote address Thursday, September 24on The Energy of Forgiveness: Lessons from Those in Restorative Dialogue. On Friday, September 25, State Representative Pete Lee will discuss restorative justice legislation in Colorado and his passion for bringing change and healing to those whose lives have been affected by violence. Then meet Patty Kiefer, Jessica Kuhn and Andy Ulferts; listen to their stories and the power of restorative justice in their lives. An inspiring and interactive circle presentation about High Risk Victim Offender dialogue you won’t want to miss! 12 Contact Hours for Educators 10 General CLE credits REGISTER NOW a registration form is attached to this Weekly Update.
Second Major Earthquake in Nepal
5/14/2015 Binod Adhikari, Community of Christ staff member in Nepal, reports that there was no loss of life among church members in the second major earthquake that hit Nepal on Tuesday, 12 May. While our local church families are relieved by this news, people, are more afraid of future earthquakes. The church community is intentionally reaching out to share tents and food with neighbors and friends of other faiths who are experiencing the same unfortunate needs in this disaster. Church members in Nepal send greetings and thanks for the financial help made possible by the donations of their sisters and brothers in Christ from around the world. The assistance is making a significant difference in many lives.
Update—Nepal Earthquake Aid
5/11/2015 Two weeks have passed since the devastating earthquake that damaged much of central Nepal. Since that time, Community of Christ has been in contact with local church leaders and given an initial $7500 for emergency aid. Today, the church announced it would release another $18,000 for rebuilding efforts. The relief and recovery efforts in Nepal will be handled through a phased approach.
Phase I—Emergency Relief (Completed)
Church members and friends wish to thank their brothers and sisters for their donations for emergency relief. All affected families have tents and enough food for a month in the three rural congregations and in Kathmandu, the capital city.
Phase II—Rebuilding Lives, Homes, and Communities (Current)
The church is working with World Accord, Outreach International, and local partners to begin the rebuilding process. It is important to work with the affected families so they are able to identify and voice their needs. The church announced today that it is releasing $18,000 to help in this phase. One big anxiety for church leaders and the people of Nepal is the approaching monsoon season.
Phase III—Rebuilding Church Buildings (Future Plans)
The Presiding Bishopric will monitor donations coming in to support relief efforts through the Abolish Poverty, End Suffering mission initiative. If sufficient contributions are received, the church will work with local groups to rebuild the three destroyed church buildings in rural areas. Thank you for your continued financial and prayerful support of our brothers and sisters in Nepal.
Bread for the World Special Report:
Attached is a Special Report from Bread for the World, regarding their ‘advocacy’ role/results this past year.
The 2014 Peace Colloquy included the opportunity for those attending to submit letters to their respective members of Congress.
The report details the results achieved in alleviating hunger in the U.S. and throughout the world by all those who submitted letters at the Colloquy and so many others throughout the country..
On behalf of the World Hunger/Tangible Love Team … Alex
Please see the attachment with this edition of the Weekly Update.
Emerging Leaders Seminary Grant
The Advanced Leadership Seminary Selection Team has the privilege of providing financial assistance to Community of Christ members who are potential emerging church leaders attending the Community of Christ Seminary.
If you know students who might benefit by receiving an Emerging Leaders Seminary Grant, please encourage them to apply online before May 15.
Grant funding will range from tuition for one course, fees, and textbooks with the possibility of renewal, to full tuition, fees, and textbooks for the entire seminary program. Funding will be awarded by the Advanced Leadership Seminary Selection Team by May 31 each year.
Community of Christ Seminary is committed to the preparation of Christian leaders for mission through ministries of proclamation, justice, peace, and reconciliation in religious, educational, political, and public settings.
If you are interested in a Masters of Arts in Religion (MAR) take a look at Community of Christ Seminary. You can enroll in the Masters of Arts in Religion program or you can opt to take one or two classes as continuing education or audits.
For those seeking a degree, a new cohort starts every August. To enter the cohort, a person needs to apply for admission to the Seminary by 31 May.
Information is available at http://www.graceland.edu/seminary/ or by emailing Seminary@Graceland.edu.
Spiritual Formation Retreats at the Independence and Kirtland Temples, please see below for more information about 2015 retreats. “You can find more information about what we offer at www.spiritualformationcenter.org.
What: A spiritual retreat with President Stephen M. Veazey exploring the connection between Spirit and Mission. For more information: http://spiritualformationcenter.org/news-and-events/a-spiritual-venture-spiritual-retreat/
WHEN: October 23-25, 2015
WHERE: Spiritual Formation Center 7809 Joseph St. Kirtland, OH 44094
COST: $50.00
Registration Deadline: October 1, 2015
If you have any questions or would like to schedule spiritual retreat or pilgrimage to the Kirtland or Independence Temple, please feel free to contact Katie Harmon-McLaughlin at khmclaughlin@cofchrist.org.
Announcements: For more information from the World Church please go to www.cofchrist.org/announcements You may also subscribe to the following blogs and resources to receive them in your email: Daily Bread Blog, Evangelist Blog, CofChrist News, CofChrist Announcements, Commentary Series, Music Matters, and the High Priest Newsletter. You may select which information sources you receive, just go to www.cofchrist.org then from the “Connect” drop down menu click on “Subscribe” and select which items you would like to receive.
Tim Ashburn
President/Financial Officer
Rocky Mountain Mission Center
800-783-6760, ext. #2