Dear Friends,
I’ve been listening to the rain, cuddled up in my big chair, prepping materials for this week’s Peacemakers at McMeen Elementary. We have second grade this trimester with the addition of three first graders who are my “special little challenges”. I found that every class, usually several times a class we were taking time out of learning for the whole group for these three to get quiet and on task. I visited their teacher to see if she had any advice on how keep them engaged and on task. Turns out they are her special challenges as well. She uses gum and a stress ball to keep them focused. I started using these as strategies too. And also began to wonder how often these little ones were told they were doing great, that they were perfect the way they were, that they should go ahead and wiggle around and wander the room, they should have an outburst or two, a giggle or three… how often are they allowed to just be kids and be told how great they are just like that, wiggles and all? I mean, kids aren’t really meant to sit still and be quiet, are they??? Recent innovations in classroom set up have seen a kindergarten in Japan that is in the shape of a circle so kids can leave the class and wander when they need to but they will always end up back in class. Or desks here in the USA that are standing desks, with pedal like apparatus’ that kids can keep their feet busy on. No I don’t think kids are meant to sit still and be quiet. I now let one of them color while we engage is circle time, he listens better that way. Another is my door holder, he is more responsible in other areas when given a responsibility. And I try to find at least one thing to compliment them on every class. For this week, this is the peace I share that these little ones are perfect just as God intended them to be, wiggles and all. Who needs this kind of peace in your life? Who needs to know that they are perfect just the way God created them? And that in Community of Christ there is place they can come to for love and acceptance, just the way they are.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.
DeziRae Astle
Rockies Mission Coordinator
303-426-5900 x4
Rocky Mountain Mission Center Conference: November 6-8, 2015, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. Our annual conference is just weeks away! The theme will be “Discover Deep Joy.” Our guest ministers will be Apostle Ron Harmon, Dave Nii, and Lauren Hall. Please note we will also be electing delegates to the 2016 World Conference during this conference. Registration for this event is now open and can be found online at www.cofchristrm/org. You may print off the registration form and mail to the Mission Center office, or use our online registration. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
World Conference Delegates: Are you are interested in serving as a delegate for the 2016 World Conference? If so, please contact Rebecca Russell ( to get your name on the ballot for voting consideration at the upcoming Mission Center Conference.
Table Displays at Mission Center Conference: If you, your congregation, or campground are interested in providing a table display at the upcoming Mission Center Conference please contact Rebecca Russell at There are a limited amount of tables available, so don’t delay!
We would like to invite those who are interested to bring a snack to share the weekend of Mission Center Conference. Please note that there is very limited refrigerator space, so snacks that do not need to be refrigerated are best! There will be tables near the back of Willome for group snacks to be dropped off. Thank you!
PLEASE NOTE New Email Address: Rebecca Russell, the Rocky Mountain Mission Center’s Administrative Assistant and Recorder has a new e-mail address! You can reach her at:
WORLD CONFERENCE: One in Christ—a Worldwide Community
Can you imagine an international reunion? Worship, learning, games, and fellowship—all wrapped around World Conference. Mark your calendar for 4-11 June 2016, and plan to be in Independence, Missouri.
You may think this is just World Conference, but it will be so much more. Experience a picnic on the lawn, stay for fellowship at the Canteen after evening worship, be part of a worldwide community that is “One in Christ.”
Delegates will spend time in deliberation, intentional listening, and making decisions that will move the church forward in its mission with Christ.
And if you aren’t a delegate, you’ll still have much to choose from—educational opportunities exploring the theme and elements of peace and justice, acts of service for our host community, time in Celebration Village, walks in the new labyrinth, time spent in reflection and contemplation, many fun opportunities to volunteer, and much more.