December 30, 2015

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends,

It’s New Year’s Eve Eve and I’m reflecting on 2015. A lot happened in the Mission Center this past year. There were a number of amazing activities for folks of all ages. We gather together well and it is always a gift to be able to be in community. We gathered in 2015 for many reasons: both joyful and sorrowful. We lost a number of our friends and family who passed away this past year. Many of you had surgeries or dealt with illness. We were together for reunions and youth activities; young adult events and leadership opportunities. There were some major changes in staffing and we had an opportunity to talk about the past and the future of the Church at Mission Center Conference. All in all, it’s been quite a journey.

And God has been with us. Through all of it.

It’s a simple idea but it’s one that brings me great comfort and hope. God loves us and is present in our lives through all our experiences – moments that bring happiness and moments we are deeply saddened. God is there, mourning and celebrating. We are never alone.

As a community of Christ, I pray we are able to appreciate the generosity of the Divine presence. I look forward to the next year of experiences we will have together. God will be with us through it all and we will be with one another. We are called to be family for each other, all welcome, all loved. God shows us the way and we choose whether or not to follow. I pray that your choice, every day of the new year, is “yes!”

With hope and deep love,



Holiday Office Closure: Please note that the Mission Center Office will be closed from Thursday, December 24, 2015- Friday, January 1, 2016 in observation of the Christmas and New Years holidays. We will reopen Monday, January 4th. We wish you all a blessed holiday!

Sr. High Winter Retreat: January 22-24, 2016! Mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE for the upcoming Sr. High Winter Retreat next month. Where: Buena Vista, Ski/Snowboard at Monarch Ski Area When: Jan 22-24, Leaving around 6:00pm Friday evening and returning Sunday around 3 or 4, carpools will be arranged How much: Cost will range from $80-$130 depending on which activity is chosen! Please contact Jordan Wight to register at: We hope you can make it!

SITE is adding classes and you are invited to attend! The topic for the Jan. 29-31, 2016 class is: Peace and Justice Ministries taught by Michele McGrath. This is a new class in the SITE rotation. All former, current and new students are invited to attend. Please pre-register with Shandra at: Pre-registration is essential so we know how much food we need for the weekend. We will continue to meet at the North Valley congregation. Class starts Friday at 6 p.m. We look forward to new experiences and new learning together in community!

World Conference Delegates have been elected! The Rocky Mountain Mission Center is allotted 53 delegates for the 2016 World Conference, and these delegates were voted on while at Mission Center Conference last weekend. There will be 53 delegates (3 delegate alternates) to represent the RMMC at World Conference. A list of these delegates & alternates have been sent to pastors to share with their congregations. If you have questions regarding delegates, please contact Rebecca Russell at: If you are interested in becoming a delegate alternate, please contact Mission Center President Shandra Newcom at:


WORLD CONFERENCE: One in Christ—a Worldwide Community
Can you imagine an international reunion? Worship, learning, games, and fellowship—all wrapped around World Conference. Mark your calendar for 4-11 June 2016, and plan to be in Independence, Missouri.
You may think this is just World Conference, but it will be so much more. Experience a picnic on the lawn, stay for fellowship at the Canteen after evening worship, be part of a worldwide community that is “One in Christ.”

Delegates will spend time in deliberation, intentional listening, and making decisions that will move the church forward in its mission with Christ.

And if you aren’t a delegate, you’ll still have much to choose from—educational opportunities exploring the theme and elements of peace and justice, acts of service for our host community, time in Celebration Village, walks in the new labyrinth, time spent in reflection and contemplation, many fun opportunities to volunteer, and much more.