Dear Friends,
Mission is relational. What do you think of when you hear those words?
I think of Sunday mornings spent in community, visiting and meeting people throughout the Mission Center who are deeply committed to Christ’s mission.
I think of meals shared and conversations that take place while food is being served and eaten in church building and restaurant.
I think of tears shed at communion services as we acknowledge our need for repentance and welcome forgiveness into our lives.
I think of loved ones who have passed away and I remember them with gratitude and thanksgiving.
I think of Sunday School moments where questions are asked and answered with hope.
I think of youth who willingly share a part of their lives at camp and reunion.
I think of SITE classes that meet to learn and experience theology in mission.
I think of you.
Thank you for being a part of this Mission Center; for being willing to be in relationship with one another and with me. You are a gift and a blessing to me and to one another. May we continue to support one another and celebrate each other on our journey. And may we always find ourselves facing Christ and living his mission.
RMMC Office Closure: The Mission Center Office will be closed on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 for a staff retreat. Since we are normally closed on Wednesdays, the office will reopen Thursday February 11, 2016.
The Mission Center staff are updating and revising some of the forms and policies used by the Mission Center. Please refer to the web site each time you need to access the latest versions. When traveling for the Mission Center, please be sure to use the current expense reimbursement request form posted at: under MC Forms.
NEW DATE! Leadership Weekend– March 4-5, 2016– Fort Collins Congregation: 220 East Oak St, Ft Collins, CO 80524. We invite you to join us for the upcoming Leadership Weekend- the theme this year is: Generosity. Our guest ministers are: Robin Linkhart and Craig Perryman. The retreat starts at 7 p.m. on March 4 and ends at 5 p.m. on March 5. Cost is $30. Online registration for this event is now available. You may also register for this event by contacting Rebecca Russell at:
Junior & Jr. High Retreat, April 8-10, 2016: Mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE for this fun and exciting event welcoming junior aged kids (grades 3-5) and Jr. High aged youth (grades 6-8). Event location, schedule details and registration will be announced at a later date. If you have questions regarding grades 3-5, please contact DeziRae Astle at If you have questions regarding grades 6-8, please contact Cherry Newcom at Youth Registration forms require a parent signature and can be found online at We look forward to seeing you there!
Sr. High Street Retreat, April 22-24, 2016: Save the date for this unique and memorable event which will be held in downtown Denver. More information will be announced at a later date. Please contact DeziRae Astle with questions or to register for this event:
Developing Disciples to Serve is an important ministry of the Mission Center. Grocery cards are available for sale to support this initiative. When you use these cards at King Soopers, City Market or Safeway, you help earn FREE MONEY for ministry. The Mission Center is selling grocery cards for $10 (they are preloaded with that amount). Every time you buy groceries, you can add funds to the card for your purchase. The stores then donate 5 percent of your purchase back to the Mission Center. It is fast, free to you, easy, and a very effective way to raise money for our ministries in the Rocky Mountain region! In just the first month, we raised $463. We expect to earn much more in the coming months. If you would like to purchase a grocery card, please contact Phyllis Modica at 303-426-5900 x-1, or