June 2, 2016



Dear Friends,

I’m all packed and ready to go to the 2016 Community of Christ World Conference!  I know I will be seeing my friends from around the world.  I know that I will be in awe of the music and worship experiences.  I know that my heart will sing as I participate in song services.  I know I will be opened to the Spirit as I engage in spiritual practices with my colleagues in ministry.  I know God will bless us as we think together and work together and decide together.

If you are going to Conference, I’ll see you soon.  If you are staying home, please pray for us  – that we will meet one another and welcome God with open hearts and loving spirits.

Thank you!


ROCKY MOUNTAIN MISSION CENTER ANNOUNCEMENTS:Summer Youth Camping Season is just around the corner! The 2016 Summer Camping Brochure has been mailed out to all eligible campers and pastors. Although the early bird registration deadline has passed, it is not too late for youth to sign up for summer camps. Please reference the electronic copy of the camping flyer online for camp options and dates. Contact Rebecca Russell with registration questions for camps.   We are looking forward to a successful camping season and hope to see you there! (Registration for Spectacular is not due until mid June)

Camping Staff Needed:  We have an exciting summer camping program planned for 2016! In order for Big Spruce to provide quality youth camps, we need more STAFF. Both youth camps are looking for adults who can help encourage youth to explore their connection with Christ. Staff must be youth worker certified through Community of Christ. If you have questions about becoming youth worker certified, please contact Rebecca Russell. Please consider being a part of our youth ministry.

  Big Spruce Junior Camp: June 24 – 27
Contact Shyree Kirkpatrick, PH 970.835.3030

 Big Spruce Jr/Sr High CampJune 27 – July 2
Contact Naomi Barlow, PH 970.623.1455

Big Spruce Women’s Retreat, June 17-19, 2016: Ladies, this event is for you! Mark your calendars and join in a fun and memorable weekend hosted by the women of the Grand Junction congregation.

Camp Paradise Reunion, June 22-26, 2016: We invite you to join the fun for this memorable reunion! The guest minister for this reunion will be Bill McFarlin. Our theme is:  We Grow! Developing Disciples to Serve.  Please put this fun event on your calendar.  We begin Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. and endSunday at 11:00 a.m.  Cost is $100. If you have questions about this reunion or would like to register, please contact Shandra Newcom.

Paradise Senior High Camp, July 3-7, 2016: Come join us in finding the joy in “Catching Fire” for God. Camp starts at 3 pm on July 3rd and ends at 12 noon on July 7th; the cost to attend is $220.00/camper. We will explore what is important in life, from relationships around us to our relationship with the world outside. Outside activities include archery lessons, survival class, and a trip to Glendo State Park for the holiday to enjoy swimming and a cook-out. Our campers will be involved in community outreach to support the Safe House in Cheyenne, who’s services are so important to battered women and children in Wyoming. This will be an enlightening camp for everyone who comes. Blessings will be overflowing!!  Contact Kat Parmer or Kery Nelms for more information.

*** Our senior high youth that will attend Camp Paradise in July are going to be doing    outreach for the Safe House (shelter for battered women and children) in Cheyenne. We are asking anyone from the congregations who can to donate canned goods for that outreach. Many of the donations the Safe House receives are already outdated and have to be discarded, so we ask they be new purchases rather than from your shelf. Pastors may call Kat Parmer at 307-640-1560 to arrange for pickup the week before senior high camp starts on July 3rd. Call if you need more information.

Big Spruce Reunion, July 9-16Don’t miss this unforgettable reunion at the Big Spruce Campground. Specific details about this event will be posted online at a later date. For specific questions or to register for this event, please contact camp director Melanie Grimes.

SPECTACULAR, July 21-31, 2016: Teens who have completed grades 9-12 are invited to join the Rockies Delegation as we travel to Graceland University in Lamoni, IA for a week of fun, sports, and the arts! Registrations received before June 15th are $650 per camper (sibling and first time friend discounts apply) which includes transportation as well as admission to Worlds of Fun. Registrations after June 15thare $750.00/camper. Visit the RMMC website for more information or to view the full SPEC flyer. Contact Delegation Leader, Melanie Grimes, with specific questions for this event. You don’t want to miss this awesome adventure!

Rockies Family Camp, Aug. 3-7 Join us at the RMMC Family Camp August 3-August 7.  The guest ministers are Steve and Cathi Veazey.  The theme is: OF WATER AND SPIRIT: Disciples in Community of Christ.  We meet again at the Peaceful Valley Ranch 475 Peaceful Valley Road, Lyons, CO 80540.  Come prepared for a spirit-filled gathering with your friends! Contact Cherry Newcom with questions or register online.  We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Women’s Retreat, September 9-11, Camp Paradise, WyomingThe Woman at the Well: A Study in Living Water. Barbara Gardner of Casper, WY will provide guest ministry and Karen Hutchinson of Loveland, CO will be the retreat director. Please contact Karen with questions or to register for this event.

In the middle of a hot, sunny day at a dusty village well in Samaria, Jesus meets a woman. He asks her for a drink of water. “Ah;” you say, “the story of the woman at the well. I know that pretty well.” But wait, not so fast! There is a lot more to it than you might think.

The story of the nameless Samaritan woman at the well, recorded only in the Gospel of John, is a revealing one, full of many truths and powerful lessons for us today. We will explore many of them during the weekend. We’ll learn more about the author of the book of John, we’ll examine the meanings and nuances of the story, we’ll share about the story, we’ll experience the story, and we’ll live the story. Come travel with us on this extraordinary journey!

Developing Disciples to Serve is an important ministry of the Mission Center. Grocery cards are available for sale to support this initiative. When you use these cards at King Soopers, City Market or Safeway, you help earn FREE MONEY for ministry. The Mission Center is selling grocery cards for $10 (they are preloaded with that amount). Every time you buy groceries, you can add funds to the card for your purchase. The stores then donate 5 percent of your purchase back to the Mission Center. It is fast, free to you, easy, and a very effective way to raise money for our ministries in the Rocky Mountain region! ***UPDATE*** In the first six months we have raised over $2400 and we expect to continue earning more the coming months! If you would like to purchase a grocery card, please contact Phyllis Modica at 303-426-5900 x-1.

© 2016 Rocky Mountain Mission Center, All rights reserved.
Weekly Update

Our mailing address is:

Rocky Mountain Mission Center

9501 Lou Drive

Denver, CO 80260