Dear Friends,
What a week we had! Big Spruce Reunion was awesome and I loved being a part of a community of families and friends for a week at the base of the Grand Mesa. I enjoyed every opportunity to worship, sing, eat, clean, teach and learn together. It was the best of what Reunion can be – full of love and joy.
I’m thankful every time I am with you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I love visiting your congregations, attending camps and reunions with you, keeping you in prayer and visiting with you.
I hope you are able to find moments of connection with one another. Our congregations are vital in bringing Christ’s mission to the world. We can try to do it alone but we find the love of Christ flows deep in times of community. Here are a few questions you can be asking as you seek to live into God’s imagination for the world – as you seek to bring about Zion:
How am I engaged with my congregation in the world?
Who in my community needs to hear of the radical love of Christ?
How can I share that love with them? With words and actions?
What can I do to show others that I truly care for them?
When do I feel most connected to the community?
How can I invite others to be a part of this Community of Christ?
We live into important questions when we ask them, think about them, and act on them.
Friends, I hope the questions you are asking are bringing you closer to community. And I pray that as we live in community we show the love of Christ to one another and to the world.
Have a good week!
Shandra Newcom
SPECTACULAR, July 21-31, 2016: The Rockies Delegation and staff are leaving soon to make the road trip to Lamoni, IA for another wonderful SPEC adventure. Let’s all keep them in our thoughts and pray for safe travels and a spirit filled experience!
Rockies Family Camp, Aug. 3-7: REGISTER NOW! Join us at the RMMC Family Camp August 3-August 7. The guest ministers are Steve and Cathi Veazey and the theme for this camp is OF WATER AND SPIRIT: Disciples in Community of Christ. We meet again at the Peaceful Valley Ranch located at 475 Peaceful Valley Road, Lyons, CO 80540. Come prepared for a spirit-filled gathering with your friends! If you have camp questions, please contact Cherry Newcom at You can register for this event online at, or by contacting Rebecca Russell at / 303-426-5900 x1.
Women’s Retreat, September 9-11, Camp Paradise, Wyoming: The Woman at the Well: A Study in Living Water. Barbara Gardner of Casper, WY will provide guest ministry and Karen Hutchinson of Loveland, CO will be the retreat director. Please contact Karen with questions or to register for this event.
In the middle of a hot, sunny day at a dusty village well in Samaria, Jesus meets a woman. He asks her for a drink of water. “Ah;” you say, “the story of the woman at the well. I know that pretty well.” But wait, not so fast! There is a lot more to it than you might think.
The story of the nameless Samaritan woman at the well, recorded only in the Gospel of John, is a revealing one, full of many truths and powerful lessons for us today. We will explore many of them during the weekend. We’ll learn more about the author of the book of John, we’ll examine the meanings and nuances of the story, we’ll share about the story, we’ll experience the story, and we’ll live the story. Come travel with us on this extraordinary journey!
Contact Karen Hutchinson to register:
Men’s Retreat: September 16-18, Camp Paradise, Wyoming. Men, mark your calendars and save the date! Jim Smith will be directing this fun weekend camp.
SITE: The topic for the next SITE class is Spirituality taught by Shandra Newcom. The class meets at North Valley September 23-25, 2016. There is still space for you to register! Contact Becca at:
Save The Date! The RMMC Conference will be November 4-6, 2016 at the YMCA of the Rockies. Our guest ministers will be: Bill McFarlin and Dave and Dustee Heinz.
Developing Disciples to Serve is an important ministry of the Mission Center. Grocery cards are available for sale to support this initiative. When you use these cards at King Soopers, City Market or Safeway, you help earn FREE MONEY for ministry. The Mission Center is selling grocery cards for $10 (they are preloaded with that amount). Every time you buy groceries, you can add funds to the card for your purchase. The stores then donate 5 percent of your purchase back to the Mission Center. It is fast, free to you, easy, and a very effective way to raise money for our ministries in the Rocky Mountain region! ***UPDATE*** In the first six months we have raised over $3100 and we expect to continue earning more the coming months! If you would like to purchase a grocery card, please contact Phyllis Modica at 303-426-5900 x-1.