August 11, 2016

Dear Friends,


Summer is coming to an end and our summer events are slowing down.  The Rockies Family Camp, held in beautiful Ward, CO at Peaceful Valley Ranch, was wonderful!  We were blessed to have Steve and Cathi Veazey as our guest ministers. One of my favorite times at any reunion is our intergenerational worship time.  At Rockies we share together as an entire camp every  morning.  We sing, pray, do art projects, hike, and create community in a variety of ways.  I love the time we take to connect young and old through our worship.


I’m more and more convinced that we can be reaching out and sharing the message of Christ’s love with our young people.  Perhaps you have some children or youth who used to attend your congregation who don’t come on Sunday mornings anymore.  How can you reach out to them in a way that is welcoming and willing to listen to their passions and needs?  Maybe Sunday morning worship is difficult for them to attend.  Can you provide ministry another day?  Another way?  Can you ask them how they would like to connect with the community?


If there’s one thing I learned this summer it is that our children and youth desire connection and need the peace of Jesus Christ in their lives.  How can we, as congregations, meet their needs?

Something to think about as you live Christ’s mission this week.


With love,

Shandra Newcom
Rocky Mountain Mission Center



Women’s Retreat, September 9-11, Camp Paradise, WyomingThe Woman at the Well: A Study in Living Water. Barbara Gardner of Casper, WY will provide guest ministry and Karen Hutchinson of Loveland, CO will be the retreat director. Please contact Karen with questions or to register for this event.


In the middle of a hot, sunny day at a dusty village well in Samaria, Jesus meets a woman. He asks her for a drink of water. “Ah;” you say, “the story of the woman at the well. I know that pretty well.” But wait, not so fast! There is a lot more to it than you might think.


The story of the nameless Samaritan woman at the well, recorded only in the Gospel of John, is a revealing one, full of many truths and powerful lessons for us today. We will explore many of them during the weekend. We’ll learn more about the author of the book of John, we’ll examine the meanings and nuances of the story, we’ll share about the story, we’ll experience the story, and we’ll live the story. Come travel with us on this extraordinary journey!


Karen Hutchinson’s e-mail is:


Men’s Retreat: September 16-18, Camp Paradise, Wyoming.The theme for this year is:  “The Journey”, Jim will be leading the classes and it will be pretty much open discussion. The schedule is:

Arrive Friday evening, the 16th of Sept. dinner on your own, get settled in, eve worship 9:00.

Saturday the 17th- classes in the morning, open discussion, free time in the afternoon, time to enjoy our beautiful campground, Jim will have his Ranger ATV there to give tours of the camp and see some of the new tree restoration project. 6:00– Dinner,7:30 Open discussion and Evening Worship.

Sunday the 18th- Clean up and pack for home, 9:00 Dedication Service, pack sack lunch and hit the road home. Cost will be $40.  Please contact Jim Smith to register.


SITE:  September 23-25, 2016 The topic for September’s class is:  Spirituality and Mission taught by Shandra Newcom.  Please register by contacting Rebecca Russell at:


Rocky Mountain Mission Center Conference, November 4-6, 2016, Estes Park, CO. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE for the largest Mission Center event of the year! Join alongside 200 members and friends for the 15th Annual RMMC Conference in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. We will gather again at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park for what is sure to be a spirit filled weekend. Our guest ministers will be:  Bill McFarlin, and Dave and Dustee Heinz.  Registration for this event will open mid September. We can’t wait to see you there!


Developing Disciples to Serve is an important ministry of the Mission Center. Grocery cards are available for sale to support this initiative. When you use these cards at King Soopers, City Market or Safeway, you help earn FREE MONEY for ministry. The Mission Center is selling grocery cards for $10 (they are preloaded with that amount). Every time you buy groceries, you can add funds to the card for your purchase. The stores then donate 5 percent of your purchase back to the Mission Center. It is fast, free to you, easy, and a very effective way to raise money for our ministries in the Rocky Mountain region!***UPDATE*** In the first six months we have raised over $3450 and we expect to continue earning more the coming months! If you would like to purchase a grocery card, please contact Phyllis Modica at 303-426-5900 x-1.