April 3, 2014

RMMC Weekly Update

April 3, 2014

From Tim Ashburn


Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!


            As we explore and engage in the discovery of what it means to be the faithful community of followers in this time, there are opportunities already in our common experiences that can assist us in being open to cultural shifts within our congregations and our communities.  We need moments and experiences where we can experiment with trying on new ways of being sacred community.  Often we are reluctant to shift congregational life to provide opportunities to experience the relational and community aspects of the gospel in more real ways.   As summer approaches we have activities already scheduled that offer us moments to explore these possible shifts. Reunions and family camps are a part of our cultural heritage, perhaps because they are so common, they are missed as crucibles of exploration and discovery.  These mini-communities of possible focused spiritual formation and community support are opportunities to create moments of encounter with the divine.  During reunions we can experience much more intensity in frequency and concentration on being together with purpose.


          As a reunion director, I remember the opportunity of working with others as we attempted to create moments of preparation and encounter with the divine. Some experiences were more successful than others, but those activities that didn’t work as well also provided valuable input in shaping what was to come.  Beyond the planning and organizing is the simple opportunity for serendipitous moments of unplanned encounter with love in the midst of community.  There are almost always challenging life situations that present themselves at our summer reunions and family camps.  Moments of real life that calls us to be a blessed community for the sake of the others.  Moments for the opportunity of encounter with each other and the divine, moments that challenge us, moments that warm us, moments that confirm that we belong.  


          Reunions and family camps are opportunities for us to encounter God, to be disrupted by a gracious God that calls us to love like we have never loved before, to relate on a level of vulnerability that is common to our human experience, to risk something new in a safe place where we can be something new, to experience different situations that cause us to ponder our unique congregational setting and ask how are we doing in our communities.  Reunions offer opportunities for gifts to arise that may not have been noticed before. They allow us to try on new hats of ministry. 


            So this summer, plan to attend one of these unique opportunities to experience God in a most powerful and unique way.  Expect to be moved by the Spirit, to be led to a place of new possibilities.  And allow ourselves to be challenged to bring our new understandings to our congregational homes.  Perhaps the ideas and experiences at reunion will provide the launching pad for new missional encounters right in our own neighbor, in our backyard and in our homes.







The following is the mission prayer being used by participating congregations in the Leading Congregations in Mission Pilot.  However all congregations are being encouraged to incorporate this prayer into the life of the congregation as well as in the lives of individual members.  The prayer has been shared in various settings.



“God, where will your Spirit lead today?  Help me be fully awake and ready to respond.  Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen






Jr./Jr. High Retreat, April 11-13, 2014, Loveland congregation.  The cost is $40.   The retreat will begin on April 11 at 7 p.m. and end on April 13 at 12:00 p.m. Please bring bedding for floor sleeping, swimsuit and towel, warm clothes, coat, warm shoes, flashlight and a Sense of Fun!  To register: call the mission center office at 303-426-5900 ext. 1 or email Rebecca at brussell@cofchristrm.org Youth Registration forms are online at www.cofchristrm.org


Grand Junction Hunger Challenge, April 11-13, 2014: This is an intergenerational event raising funds for an organization called Sustainable Roots with projects in Ecuador, a community called Cosanga.  Pledge forms are available from Naomi Barlow at nomebarlow@gmail.com A schedule and more information is attached to this weekly update.  Youth Registration forms are available at www.cofchristrm.org  Please send these forms to Naomi.


Sr. High Street Retreat, ABOLISH POVERTY, April 25-27, Downtown Denver, CO.

Join your friends and awesome leaders in an experience of a lifetime. At past retreats we have made music videos, had crazy photo shoots, 16th street mall scavenger hunts, a grand tea party in hotel lounge area… We have worshipped on the 16th street mall and shared communion; we have learned about hunger, poverty and homelessness; and we have made breakfast burritos for the hungry and worked at SAME Cafe.

Grades: 9 – 12; Cost: $100  – must register by April 18 to reserve your space

To register: call the mission center office at 303-426-5900 or email Rebecca at brussell@cofchristrm.org Youth Registration forms are online at www.cofchristrm.org


Young Adult Retreat:  May 23-26, 2014 at Peaceful Valley Ranch.  Our guest Minister will be President of Seventy Larry McGuire.  Please put this exciting event on your calendar.  We will begin Friday evening and end Monday around noon.  This has been a meaningful event in the past and we anticipate another great experience this year! Registration info will be available soon.



Rockies Family Camp! SAVE THE DATE!!  Rocky Mountain Family Camp at Peaceful Valley Ranch, dates July 30th-August 3rd.  These are NEW DATES.  Apostle Linda Booth will be guest minister.  Come join us!!


Silent Retreat, September 12-14, 2014, Sacred Heart Retreat Center, Sedalia, Colorado, guest ministry Dave and Carolyn Brock, retreat director Marlene Krueger, cost is $140 per person. Mark this date on your calendars. See attached registration form.  This form will also be available online at www.cofchristrm.org


Resolutions for World Conference 2016 are being accepted for consideration at the 2014 Rocky Mountain Mission Center Conference.  Any resolutions will need to be submitted to the mission center office no later than 30 days prior to the mission center conference.  If you have any questions about this information please contact Tim Ashburn at tashburn@cofchrist.org or by phone 303-426-5900 ext. #2.





2014 President’s Addresses – April 6 and October 5

On April 6, Steve will take us deeper into the words of counsel given at the 2013 World Conference, focusing on the first six paragraphs. He will then answer your e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook questions live.

April 6 and October 5 addresses will be webcast live in English, French, and Spanish. Details about how to receive a webcast are at www.CofChrist.org/broadcast/webcast_help.asp.


Test Your Webcast Connection

To help you prepare for the April 6 President’s Address, a live stream will be available to test your webcast connection from 1:00 p.m. April 4–10:00 p.m. (CDT) April 5. 


President’s Address details and a link to the live test will be available online.


If you have trouble connecting to the test:

  • Verify that your Internet connection is functioning.
  • Make sure you are testing during the correct time (1:00      p.m. April 4–10:00 p.m. (CDT) April 5).
  • If you have verified your connection and the time and      still can’t connect, please contact your Internet service provider.


We look forward to gathering with you and the worldwide church April 6 at 6:00 p.m. (CDT) for the President’s Address and live question-and-answer session.



2016 World Conference Legislation: We plan to implement the principles and steps of the proposed common consent process (www.CofChrist.org/wc2013/official/CommonConsentAdvisoryTeamReport.pdf) at World Conference, June 4–11, 2016. Legislation (proposals) submitted early in the inter-Conference period will benefit from having ample time for translations, collaborative review by church leaders and mission centers, and more thorough church-wide discernment.


Even though the deadline for mission centers to submit items for 2016 World Conference consideration is February 5, 2016, we encourage mission centers to submit such items by May 31, 2015. However, all legislative items submitted by the final deadline (February 5, 2016) will be placed on the World Conference agenda.

To aid effective church-wide consideration, a form for submitting legislative items (proposals) for World Conference consideration can be obtained from World Church Secretary Sue Sloan or at www.CofChrist.org/wc2016. Please note that legislative items do not require “whereas” rationale statements. A short, clear statement that proposes a desired action is preferable for translations and church-wide consideration. Background information will be provided in other ways.




10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to

www.cofchrist.org/news/10min. The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)