Dear Friends,
Happy heart day!
My heart is full when I think of you and all the gifts and love you share with one another, with me, and with the mission center.
Jesus loved. He loved the unlovable who, by his culture’s standards, were outcast and despised. He loved the ones who no one else would even look at or touch. He loved the marginalized. He loved radically and he loved completely. His call to us is to do the same.
Who, in our communities, is unlovable? Who does the world tell us to ignore? Who is left out, outcast, despised? I don’t think you have to look around far to recognize that in this country, at this time, there are people who are our modern “untouchables”. We are called to love exactly those people.
It’s not easy. It’s not simple. It’s not always perfect. But as Christians our love is an extension of that early Christ-love. We are his hands and feet and we seek to love, like he did, radically and completely.
May your love-journey be full. May you have the courage to reach out beyond your comfort zone and love wildly. May you be blessed in the loving is my prayer.
With deep love,
Shandra Newcom
Rocky Mountain Mission Center
Introduction to Scripture / Priesthood – Loveland Congregation
Whether you are preparing for a priesthood call, want a refresher course, or just want to gain more tools and knowledge for delving into the purpose and meaning of the Scriptures, please plan to join us at the Loveland Congregation for the Introduction to Scriptures Temple School course. We’ll cover the material in 3 sessions – March 18th, 25th and April 1st, 8:00 am to Noon. If you are interested, please contact Jon Troyer at or 970-356-1824.
Also save the dates for an Introduction to Priesthood course to be held April 29th,May 6th and May 13th.
Many of you may know the Mission Center’s beloved Viola Patchin, of North Platte, NE. The family of Viola will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Saturday, February 25, 2017! As part of that celebration, we are inviting those who cannot attend to send her a birthday card which will be shared at the celebration. Viola’s address is: 3813 Prairie Ridge Road, North Platte, NE 69101-4787. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Cabico at or 719-661-1871.
The Denver, CO congregation in the RMMC has started a new prayer practice. They have started a Wednesday night prayer for peace service. The church will be open every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:00 for prayer and meditation on peace. At 6:30, they will follow the prayer for peace service as is done at the Temple that day. There is also time for personal prayers from the congregation. You are invited to join them for this important prayer time.
Leadership Retreat, Fort Collins Congregation – March 10-11, 2017:
This event is open to everyone and we invite all who are interested in attending to join in this retreat! We will experience the theme “Spirituality & Mission” through a variety of spiritual practices meant to deepen our relationship with the divine, respond to our cultural context, and move us out into the world. We will begin on Friday night at 7:00 PM, and then reconvene Saturday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM at the Fort Collins, CO congregation. The cost to attend is $30 per person and will include breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Please register online at We hope to see you there!
“Be the Best You” – March 17-19, Casper, WY:
If you are a youth in 3rd grade through 12th grade, this event is for you! Come join us at the Casper Congregation for a fun filled St. Patrick’s Day weekend. We will learn, worship and play as we see how God can shape us into the best versions of ourselves! The cost to attend is $50 per camper which includes meals beginning Saturday morning through lunch on Sunday The event will begin at6:30pm on Friday evening (please eat dinner before you arrive) and will run until noon on Sunday. All campers must provide Youth Registration Forms (which is available at complete with parent signatures – forms can be mailed / emailed to the Mission Center office or brought in person to the retreat. Please contact Kery Nelms with questions:
Sr. High Street Retreat, Denver, CO – April 21-23, 2017:
Sr. High aged youth, this event is for YOU! Mark your calendars and save the date for this unique and engaging weekend. Bring a friend along for this transformative weekend! Specific details about this retreat will be announced soon. Please email Steve Holloway with questions:
Young Adult Retreat:
Even though we did not raise enough interest to have the Toronto retreat, we are still planning on hosting a Denver young adult event over Memorial Day Weekend. This will be an inter-faith experience. Cost will be $200 which will include housing, program, food and staffing. If you would like to come for only a day, the cost will be $25 per day. Please contact Shandra at: to register or with questions.
Developing Disciples to Serve is an important ministry of the Mission Center.
Grocery cards are available for sale to support this initiative. When you use these cards at King Soopers, City Market or Safeway, you help earn FREE MONEY for ministry. The Mission Center is selling grocery cards for $10 (they are preloaded with that amount). Every time you buy groceries, you can add funds to the card for your purchase. The stores then donate 5% of your purchase back to the Mission Center. It is fast, free to you, easy, and a very effective way to raise money for our ministries in the Rocky Mountain region! ***UPDATE*** We have raised another $1700 so far in 2017! Please ask members and friends of your congregation to join in this effort. To order grocery cards, contact Phyllis Modica at 303-426-5900 x-1.