Greetings Friends,
In my morning time alone with God this week I am focusing on the theme: Mission is Relational. This is something we will return to again and again throughout the year. Expect to see an emphasis on mission and relationships at various events and in our updates. I’ve been reviewing LCM resources, re-reading different chapters in favorite books on community, relationships, hard conversations, etc. I’ve been journaling on different questions that come to me and praying for our pastors, each congregation, for Shandra and for all the staff and volunteers that make mission possible in the Rocky Mountain Mission Center.
From Leading Congregations in Mission:
Authentic relationships provide the foundation for journeying together in discernment and mission.
Creating a safe community of trust is critical for people to feel free to imagine and risk something new for their own lives, their relationships with others, their congregation, and their local neighborhoods.
The foundation for discerning and doing mission is a willingness to be vulnerable with God and one another for the sake of the world.
Questions for you to ponder from my own journaling…
Where do you recognize authentic relationships in your life?
Where would you like to nurture more authentic relationships?
Do you feel like your congregation is a safe place where questions can be explored and risks can be taken?
How do you feel about being vulnerable?
Where do you need to be vulnerable in your life?
Is there someone you need to have a difficult conversation with?
What are some of your ideas for building better relationships in congregations?
May you have a blessed and joyous week. Hug someone special, make that phone call, smile at that clerk…
“Just meet her eyes for a moment when you say, “Thanks.” Sometimes that is all another person needs to know that she has been seen – not the cashier but the person – but even if she does not seem to notice, the encounter has occurred. You noticed, and because you did, neither of you will ever be quite the same again.”
– Barbara Brown Taylor
DeziRae Astle
Sr. High Winter Retreat: January 22-24, 2016. The Sr. High Winter Retreat is this month but there is still time to sign up! Where: Buena Vista, Ski/Snowboard at Monarch Ski Area. When: Jan 22-24, Leaving around 6:00pm Friday evening and returning Sunday around 3;00 or 4:00pm, carpools will be arranged. How much: Cost will range from $80-$130 depending on which activity is chosen! Please contact Jordan Wight to register at: Hope you can make it!
The next scheduled SITE (Seminars In Theological Education) class is Jan 29-31, 2016. This is a new class in the SITE rotation and the topic for this class is: Peace and Justice Ministries taught by Michele McGrath. Thank you to all who have pre-registered, this class is now full.
NEW DATE!: Leadership Weekend- March 4-5 – Fort Collins Congregation: 220 East Oak St, Ft Collins, CO 80524. We invite you to join us for the upcoming Leadership Weekend- the theme this year is: Generosity. The retreat starts at 7 p.m. on March 4 and ends at 5 p.m. on March 5. Cost is $30. Online registration for this event is forthcoming. You may also register for this event by contacting Rebecca Russell at: brussellcofchrist@gmail. com.
Junior & Jr. High Retreat, April 8-10, 2016. Mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE for this fun and exciting event welcoming junior aged kids (grades 3-5) and Jr. High aged youth (grades 6-8). Event location, schedule details and registration will be announced at a later date. If you have questions regarding grades 3-5, please contact DeziRae Astle at If you have questions regarding grades 6-8, please contact Cherry Newcom at
Sr. High Street Retreat, April 22-24, 2016. Save the date for this unique event which will be held in downtown Denver! More information will be announced at a later date. Please contact DeziRae Astle with questions: dastle@cofchrist. org.
We are still accepting 2016 World Conference Alternates! While the 53 delegate slots have been filled, we are still accepting delegate alternates. If you are interested in becoming a delegate alternate, please contact Mission Center President Shandra Newcom at: If you have questions regarding who the current delegates are, please contact Administrative Assistant, Rebecca Russell at:
WORLD CONFERENCE: One in Christ—a Worldwide Community
Can you imagine an international reunion? Worship, learning, games, and fellowship—all wrapped around World Conference. Mark your calendar for 4-11 June 2016, and plan to be in Independence, Missouri.
You may think this is just World Conference, but it will be so much more. Experience a picnic on the lawn, stay for fellowship at the Canteen after evening worship, be part of a worldwide community that is “One in Christ.”
Can you imagine an international reunion? Worship, learning, games, and fellowship—all wrapped around World Conference. Mark your calendar for 4-11 June 2016, and plan to be in Independence, Missouri.
You may think this is just World Conference, but it will be so much more. Experience a picnic on the lawn, stay for fellowship at the Canteen after evening worship, be part of a worldwide community that is “One in Christ.”
Delegates will spend time in deliberation, intentional listening, and making decisions that will move the church forward in its mission with Christ.
And if you aren’t a delegate, you’ll still have much to choose from—educational opportunities exploring the theme and elements of peace and justice, acts of service for our host community, time in Celebration Village, walks in the new labyrinth, time spent in reflection and contemplation, many fun opportunities to volunteer, and much more.