January 16, 2015


This past weekend I had the pleasure of joining the Grand Junction congregation for their annual Knit-a-thon directed by Naomi Barlow. This was the 6th year for the Knit-a-thon which has seen its way through various changes in attendance and structure over the years. Starting out as a largely mission center youth based event with groups of cars heading over the mountain to join in the fun. In addition to knitting youth and leaders would head out to play flag football, go bowling, or sing karaoke. This year as just a handful of us sat in a circle knitting one of the knitters reminisced on the year they had 40 people in attendance. I reminded them that no matter how many people show up what is important is the impact the hats, booties and scarves have on the newborns, oncology patients, and folks without homes. What’s important is the big box of beautiful hats, booties and scarves that arrived from the Colorado Springs Congregation adding to what would be donated to those in need. What’s important is how the Knit-a-thon ministry has grown into something more. After last year’s Knit-a-thon one of the attendees suggested they start meeting monthly to continue this ministry to and with the community. They have been meeting monthly now for a year at the church. What’s important is how the Knit-a-thon has now become ripe with the possibility of becoming a community based event. This year saw another transformation for the Knit-a-thon, it was held in the city library which encouraged about 10 people to drop in and inquire about future Knit-a-thons. This gave Naomi a chance to let them know they would now be meeting monthly at the library for the Knitting Circle and people could join them then. How exciting to see how a ministry can transform and become something you never expected; something with great promise for deeper relationships with community; bigger impacts on the people touched by the hats, booties and scarves; and daring hope for the future of mission in Grand Junction Community of Christ. A reporter even came and did a really nice piece on the Knit-a-thon for their local paper. I said a bunch of fantastic stuff about abolishing poverty and ending suffering. The reporter asked me if I was the PR person for the church and then didn’t quote me! Go figure 🙂


Check out the newspaper article here: http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/articles/closeknit-group-crafts-clothes-for-needy-people


I was so inspired by this simple act of kindness (it only takes 30 minutes to knit a hat for a premature baby on a knitting loom, 1 hour for an infant hat, and 2-3 hours for an adult hat) that I have committed to knitting one infant hat a day or one adult hat a week until my home congregations holds their own Knit-a-thon at the end of February. What inspires you? Where are the hands and feet of Christ needed in your community? In what ways can your congregation reach out and work with your communities to meet those needs? What simple act can you commit to this day, this week, this month or year to live more fully into God’s dream for our church and our world?


In hope,

DeziRae Astle

Rockies Mission Coordinator


303-426-5900 x4




“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen




January 23-25: Senior High Ski Retreat, Salida, CO. The annual Sr. High Ski Trip is open to youth in grades 9-12. The weekend will include games, downhill skiing/snowboarding, or snowshoeing/cross country skiing, Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, fun & fellowship! In past years, cost has varied from $75-$120 depending on ski activity and number of youth attending. Although the registration deadline for this event has passed, there are still a few remaining spots!   For more information, contact Jordan Wight wight.jordan@gmail.com, and/or Naomi Barlow nomebarlow@gmail.com.


January 23rd 7:30pm: A Nichole Nordeman concert at the Lincoln Center, Fort Collins. Benefitting the Feed-My-Starving-Children Slammin’ Famine event the following month. Information about this concert and event are attached to this email. This concert and event is being sponsored by The Gathering at Windsor. For more info: http://www.fcgov.com/lctix/show.php?id=693


February 6-8: SITE (Seminars in Theological Education) If you are interested in more information about SITE, please contact Shandra Newcom at: snewcom@cofchrist.org. SITE will also be offering 3 more classes in 2016! Even if you have attended SITE classes in the past (or graduated from the SITE program) you can return and take the three new classes. The classes are Peace and Justice, Spirituality and Community of Christ History.


March 13-14th: Leadership Weekend, Fort Collins Congregation. Calling all Leaders! Apostle Ron Harmon will be attending the gathering this year. We expect this to be largely a time of spiritual renewal and inspiration for leadership. Online registration will be available soon! Please contact Rebecca at the mission center office with questions, brussell@cofchristrm.org.


April 10-12: Junior Retreat & Junior High Retreat, Fort Collins Congregation. ***Please note this is a date change for the Junior High Retreat.*** The director for the Junior Retreat is DeziRae Astle. The directors for the Junior High Retreat are Cherry and Shandra Newcom. Programming, staff and sleeping spaces will be totally separate for each retreat but meals and some recreation time may be shared. The cost is $50. Details coming soon. Questions? Juniors (3rd-5th grade) contact DeziRae at dastle@cofchrist.org and Junior Highs (6th-8th grade) contact Shandra at: snewcom@cofchrist.org




The Disciple Formation News will be e-mailed automatically each month to all who have subscribed for Community of Christ News. There is no need to sign up for an additional subscription! News will include highlighted resources, ideas for small group ministries, and teaching tips. We would love to feature the exciting ministries taking place in your congregation, so please share your ideas (don’t forget to include photos!).


Questions? Contact Janné Grover




10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to


www.cofchrist.org/news/10min. The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)