Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!
This week I am writing to you from the campus of Graceland University. I am sizzling a bit here at SPECTACULAR! The weather is not as hot as in years past, however, today we may see be in the 90’s with 76% humidity.
Thank you to all those individuals and congregations that supported IYF/SPEC by sharing generously. You have contributed to a ministry that has the potential for changing lives, by planting seeds of relationships and these 2 weeks are being even more enriched by the presence of delegations from other nations around the world. Our Rockies youth are having a great time and are anxiously engaging the various cultures present.
The theme for this year’s IYF was COURAGE and for SPEC it is BEYOND. Both of these themes seem very appropriate for these major youth events as well as the rest of us who struggle with how to be communities of Christ in our communities. While there is too much to share in this short devotional about the details of these themes I do feel that we need to take a moment and pause to reflect on these concepts, especially as we have been challenged by DeziRae to “Walk the Neighborhood” our latest missional practice found on the mission center website under “Encounter.”
When I think of courage, I am reminded of Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly. It is not the overcoming of fear that constitutes courage, but it is the willingness to engage even when fear is present. As she cites Theodore Roosevelt, it is the one who is willing to jump in the arena even though there is no promise of success, that displays courage. We might say it is the person willing to try with the potential of failure who shows the greatest courage. So, if we feel uncomfortable or afraid or nervous about walking our neighborhood or engaging with strangers, then these are exactly the normal feelings one would expect to have. They are feelings or courageous acts of faith and love to our fellow human beings.
“Beyond” is this open, undefined place or state of being that is different from our present reality. To me, it seems to call to an unknown destination of promise and hope. We could go “Beyond” our present understandings, “Beyond” our current experience of community, “Beyond” what we currently know, act “Beyond” our current capacity or go “Beyond” our current understanding of our potential. At any rate “Beyond” calls us to that place in Section 161 “beyond the horizon to where we are sent.” It drastically challenges us from the status quo, it calls us to look deeper, go farther, and push the limits of who we are. It is scary, it is uncomfortable and thus we turn to “Courage” not a place without fear but a willingness to move forward anyway.
According to our class today, “fear not” and “do not be afraid” are phrases most shared in the scriptures. Perhaps we might listen to those comforting words in the midst of our trembling and confusion about where God is leading us. Let’s take each others hand, say a prayer, listen to God and walk into our communities! Blessing to each of you as you share with each other and your families during these summer days.
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
Peaceful Valley Family Camp, July 30th-August 3rd. The theme is “Create Shalom: Abolish Poverty, End Suffering. Guest minister is Apostle Linda Booth. Go to to register.
We look forward to your participation. PLEASE REGISTER!!!!
Camp Paradise Women’s Retreat, September 5-7th, 2014. Ladies come join in on this wonderful weekend experience! The event begins on Friday evening with registration at 7:00pm, and runs through Sunday at noon. The cost to attend is $50.00 with no registration deadline. Please contact director Sandy Burkey at or (308) 641-1275 with questions or to register. We hope to see you there!
DON’T FORGET!!!Silent Retreat, September 12-14, 2014, Sacred Heart Retreat Center, Sedalia, Colorado, guest ministry Dave and Carolyn Brock, retreat director Marlene Krueger, cost is $140 per person. Mark this date on your calendars. Registration Form available online at
Camp Paradise Men’s Retreat, September 12-14, 2014, more information is forthcoming.
The fall SITE (Seminars in Theological Education) class held September 26-28, 2014, will be: Christian Theology taught by Steven Hatch. If you are interested in SITE, please contact Shandra Newcom at:!
Oct 24-26- Peace Colloquy and Jr./Sr. High Peace Colloquy Retreat, .” The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. (CDT) Friday with the Community of Christ International Peace Award ceremony at the Temple in Independence, Missouri. Throughout the weekend we will explore many vital issues we need to understand to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering throughout the world. We will learn about root causes of poverty, poverty traps, and how our best intents may hurt rather than heal. Come learn how Community of Christ ministries and strategic partnerships can lead to approaches that work and are sustainable. The Colloquy will include programming for adults, junior and senior high students, and children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Learn more at
Rocky Mountain Mission Center Conference, November 7-9, 2014, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. Our guest ministry will be Becky Savage of the First Presidency, Zach McLaughlin, Congregational Support Minister and Daniel Harmon, Congregational Support Minister. Zach and Daniel will be sharing their ministry of music with us. Our theme is “Encounter.” We will be exploring and providing opportunity for encountering the divine, each other, and community. Please plan on joining us in Estes Park this November!
Registration for Events: Please consider registering for summer events as soon as possible! It helps directors in their planning if they know numbers of people attending. Thank you!
Health and Spirituality Workshop, August 21 &22, 2014, Community of Christ Temple, Independence, MO…please see the attached brochure for more information!
10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)