Dear Friends,
Have you ever made the best of plans just have them interrupted by weather, or sickness, or God??? That’s how my week has been.
As I began to pack to leave for a weekend workshop in Grand Junction I checked the weather and to my dismay 5-10 inches of snow was predicted along sections of I-70. Hours and hours of discernment, planning and preparation for the weekend, along with changes to my parenting schedule and the time the congregation had planned on giving to the workshop all seemed to be lost in that moment. Yesterday I woke up with a full blown cold and after coughing for 2 hours when I went to bed I have decided to forgo most of the young adult retreat and will only be able to attend tomorrow’s activities (assuming I don’t get worse). And, as most of you know, on Monday the church received news of drastic cuts to the budget. Plans for my future, for work with congregations, for new ministry in my neighborhood all seem as if in limbo until August 17-21 when final decisions on job cuts will be made.
In the midst of the pain and mourning many of us are going through I think the question must be asked, what is God’s plan in all of this? President Veazey reminded us in the webcast that transformation comes only when we let go of things we once knew so that a new thing might break forth. Sometimes God has other plans for us like staying safe during a storm or taking care of a fatigued body and weakened immune system. Ill be back to Grand Junction in June so everything wasn’t a waste, of course! And I may be asking the question, “what best plans do you need to let go of so that God’s plan for your congregation can break through?” This weekend Ill spend time taking care of my body, mind and soul, letting what my whole self needs dictate what I do and not my best made plans to spend time with friends passing out pb&j to the homeless. And as my future and the future of the church unfolds I will trust that God is at the center of it all, leading us, sometimes pushing us, always embracing us.
Its an exciting, scary and sad time for us as a denomination. I believe we are about to embark on a great religious transformation… a “spiritual revolution” that Community of Christ can choose to be on the leading edge of. In spite of this momentous opportunity before us there is still pain and fear and anger that will need to be addressed. And as that process begins I ask a special interest in your prayers for myself, Melanie, Shandra, Tim, Becca and Phyllis; for all employees of the church; for the leaders that have struggled to make these difficult decisions; and that we might allow God to lead us into God’s future even if it looks very different from what we had planned.
DeziRae Astle
Rockies Mission Coordinator
303-426-5900 x4
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
President Stephen M. Veazey made a statement to all worldwide ministries staff about the financial situation of the church during a meeting on May 18.
That statement is also addressed to all Community of Christ members. In the course of your ministry, please share it with others to give a clear picture of the challenges we face as a worldwide church and what that means for our journey and future.
Video and text of the statement will be posted at, text will be shared in the July Herald, the 10-Minute News (sign up for the e-subscription at, and other media.
Camp Paradise Reunion: Live, Love, Laugh, Share in Community, June 17 – 21, 2015 You’re invited to a time of renewal and rest, fellowship and fun, relevant learning and vibrant worship, and entering into deeper relationships with God, one another and ourselves.
Guest Minister: John S. Wight, John is field missionary coordinator for the North Central USA/Canada Mission Field and currently serves as president of the Quorum 10 and senior president of seventy.
Music Director: Jena Wight, Jena has served as a Temple tour guide at the Community of Christ Headquarters, a World Service Corps volunteer in Malawi, Africa, an intern with Outreach International, and a World Service Corps intern in Independence.
Graceland Rep: Bryan Tidwell , Bryan was very involved in Community of Christ Leadership Program, Res Life, he was a House President and also Apartment Manager at Graceland University.
Costs are as follows: $100 ages 12 and up, $75 ages 5-11, $50 ages 0-4 (Registration closes 6/15/15)
Please see the attached bulletin insert for more info and to share with your congregations. Go online to to see schedule, details and to register. For questions please contact DeziRae Astle at
Big Spruce Women’s Retreat: June 26-28, 2015! The theme for the retreat is “Jesus Calling.” Guest ministry will be women from the Farmington, NM congregation, who will talk about how some daily entries from Jesus Calling have affected their lives. For those who would like to purchase the daily devotional book, Jesus Calling is written by Sarah Young and published by Thomas Nelson Nashville, 2011. Irene Olive with have the Saturday afternoon activity involving a craft project to honor the big spruce that fell last year. This will be a very special event that will provide people with a visual memory of the giant spruce that stood for decades along the creek at the campground’s baptismal site. Registration and tentative schedule can be found online at
Attention all you 14er Summit Climbers, from Outreach International comes the 2015 Summit Challenge! “We want to invite you to hike one of Colorado’s 54 14ers and participate in our first annual mountain climb charity –the 2015 Summit Challenge…The Summit Challenge is taking place in colorful Colorado this summer on the date of the participant’s choosing….Challenge yourself individually, or get a team together. Invite your family, friends, coworkers, congregation, school or sports team to join you. People of all ages are welcome – especially mountain-climbing enthusiasts!” Want to learn more about the challenge? Check out our website at
Rocky Mountain Mission Center Family Camp, July 29th thru August 2nd 2015,To be held at Peaceful Valley Ranch located near Estes Park, CO 475 Peaceful Valley Road (Hwy 72), Lyons, CO 80540
Theme: LIVE, LOVE, SHARE: Visibly One in Christ
Guest Ministers: Mark Sherer, Church Historian; Barb Walden, Executive Director of CofChrist Historic Sites Foundation; GU Rep: Sara Mongrain; Music Director: Andrew Murphy
Classes with Mark from his books “The Journey of a People” & “Restoration Reorganization World Wide Community”
Classes with Barb: A Hymn Festival Celebrating Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow The Storytellers: An evening of Tales with Friends Explore the Five Mission Initiatives from a church history perspective
Come join with us to “Live, Love and Share”
On-line registration forms: Camp
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE SYMPOSIUM Restorative Justice and Forgiveness?
Thursday, September 24 & Friday September 25, 2015, Beth-El Mennonite Church.
Join us for deeply moving, interactive presentations on restorative justice. Dr. Mark Umbreit, Professor and Director of Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, University of Minnesota, School of Social Work, will deliver the keynote address Thursday, September 24on The Energy of Forgiveness: Lessons from Those in Restorative Dialogue. On Friday, September 25, State Representative Pete Lee will discuss restorative justice legislation in Colorado and his passion for bringing change and healing to those whose lives have been affected by violence. Then meet Patty Kiefer, Jessica Kuhn and Andy Ulferts; listen to their stories and the power of restorative justice in their lives. An inspiring and interactive circle presentation about High Risk Victim Offender dialogue you won’t want to miss! 12 Contact Hours for Educators 10 General CLE credits REGISTER NOW a registration form is attached to this Weekly Update.
(For more information please contact Dorcas, Wilkinson at