November 14, 2015

Dear Friends,

In the midst of deep pain we pray for Paris and all those who are victims of violence throughout the world.  I wanted to share with you these words by Evangelist Jery Grigg of the Carrier Parkway congregation, Community of Christ.

May our prayers center on Christ and our hearts center on the world.

In Christ,

Shandra Newcom

Mission Center President



With the rest of the world this day
we pray for
“right to prevail”
in the aftermath of the terror that has taken place in Paris.
We pray for those whose lives have ended at the hand of terrorists.
We pray for those whose lives will be forever changed
because of injuries suffered – physically and emotionally.
We pray for the leaders in the city of Paris,
the country of France,
and in peaceful nations around the world,
as solutions are sought.

One common prayer have we,
one oft repeated dream.
To God we lift one plea:
to see the world at peace.
(Audrey Schultz, Community of Christ Sings, 313)

Living Stream that heals the nations,
make us channels of Your power
as the world is torn by conflict
and wars are raging at this hour.
Saving Spirit, move among us;
guide our winding human course,
till we find our way together,
flowing homeward to our Source.
(Ruth Duck, Community of Christ Sings, 232)

Community of Christ
Carrier Parkway Congregation
Prays Together