RMMC Weekly Update
October 15, 2014
From Tim Ashburn
Greetings Rocky Mountain Mission Center!
With the Rocky Mountain Mission Center conference less than a month away, the news of the decline in the financial markets and the news of reduced income from tithing for World Ministry Mission, I want to share with you an overview of the proposed 2015 budget. The 2015 Budget proposes an increase of $8500, from $214,000 to $222,500 the first increase in the mission center budget since 2009. These increases are being proposed in the following areas of the budget: 1) Office staff salaries, 2) Leadership Development, 3) Conferences and Meetings, and 4) Youth Ministry. Each of these areas of the budget are vital to the continuation of the pursuit of Christ’s mission.
Here are some reasons for these proposed increases. In recent years the day to day operations of the mission center have relied more and more on the office staff for communication, preparation of materials, sharing of resources and information, freeing ministerial staff to be more directly engaged with congregations. As we pursue new ways of being faithful community, which necessitate more training and education for leaders, we will need to increase our ability to provide this information for our ministers and leaders. And as we continue to find ways to engage with youth in meaningful ways we will need to provided more opportunities for these encounters. In a holistic sense, these proposed increases keep us on the path of pursuing all the mission initiatives before us and to an even greater degree.
The proposed increase in the budget is possible for two reasons, first an increase in the Expansion Fund held in the Affiliate Investment Pool at the World Church. Over the past World Church Fiscal Year from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 we have experienced a 12% increase in our earnings; secondly, the recent closing of the North Platte, Nebraska congregation, whose financial resources will move to the mission center. In addition, congregational contributions to the mission center remain steady overall. Proposed use of reserve funds in this year’s budget decreased by about $7000. The same spending rate of 6% has been applied to the Expansion Fund as in years past and we continue to use a 5 year rolling average.
As has been stated by the Presiding Bishopric in regards to investments, markets are unpredictable, attempting to time market fluctuations is not possible. Remaining calm, using modest spending rates and staying with the investments in the pool continue to be the recommended approach for jurisdictions. In the recession of 2009, if the mission center had pulled funds out of the market during its continuous decline, it would not have been possible to recover the funds lost as we have thus far, some 5 years later. The 2015 proposed Budget has been reviewed and approved by the Mission Center Council and will be presented at the coming conference in November.
The proposed 2015 Budget will be available for review soon. In the meantime, if questions arise about mission center finances please contact me.
“God, where will your Spirit lead today? Help me be fully awake and ready to respond. Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.” Amen
ENCOUNTER: 2014 Rocky Mountain Mission Center Conference, November 7-9, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado.
Our guest ministry will be Scott Murphy of the First Presidency, Zac McLaughlin, Missionary Coordinator and Daniel Harmon, Congregational Support Minister. Scott will present the adult class, share several testimonies on the theme of encounter and provide the Sunday sermon. Zac and Daniel will be sharing their ministry of music and teaching the 6th-12th grade youth class. We will be exploring and providing opportunity for encountering the divine, each other, and community. Please plan on joining us in Estes Park this November! Look for details online and in your congregations!
From our Conference Coordinator Rebecca Russell: As you know, our annual Mission Center Conference is just around the corner and the staff has been busy planning and preparing for your arrival. At this time we would like to invite you to bring a snack to share with the group during the conference, but request that you please pack all food items in either recyclable or disposable containers to simplify our cleanup process. We greatly appreciate your sharing of snacks as well as your cooperation in packaging!
Please make note that there will be a late fee of $20.00 assessed per person for all registrations received on or after Monday, November 3rd, 2014. We have a few different registration options available for you this year. If you prefer to register online, registrations can filled out and processed directly through our website at www.cofchristrm.org. Another option is that you can print the registration form found on our website, and then mail the completed form to the mission center office at 9501 Lou Drive, Denver, CO 80620. Payments can be made online using our PayPal services (fees included) or mailed to the mission center office (no fees). If you have any registration questions or prefer to register by phone, please call Phyllis Modica at 800-783-6760 x-1.
Lastly, we have very limited table space remaining for those who wish to share a display. Please email me at your earliest convenience if you would like to request space for a display. Thank you to each of you who participate in the conference experience. We look forward to seeing you there!
President’s Address: If you missed President Veazey’s address on October 5th, you can view the video archive of both the address and the live question and answer session after the address. Go to http://www.cofchrist.org/wordsofcounsel2013/100514/ to view both. Also, mark your calendars for the upcoming President’s Address in 2015, they are April 12 and October 4.
GOD WEEPS: 2014 Peace Colloquy, Oct 24-26, Independence, MO. The Colloquy begins with the Community of Christ International Peace Award Ceremony. This years recipient is Bread for the World. Throughout the weekend we will explore many vital issues we need to understand to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering throughout the world. We will learn about root causes of poverty, poverty traps, and how our best intents may hurt rather than heal. Come learn how Community of Christ ministries and strategic partnerships can lead to approaches that work and are sustainable. The Colloquy will include programming for adults, junior and senior high students, and children in kindergarten through fifth grade.
The 2014 Women’s Retreat has been postponed until 2015. DeziRae Astle and Shandra Newcom will be our guest ministers next year and we look forward to sharing together. The new dates are: September 11-13, 2015. See you next year!
Comments on the recent release of the movie “Left Behind.” The recent release of the movie “Left Behind” is based on a series of books by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. At its bases is an interpretation of the Bible called dispensationalism which came to be in the 19th century. Community of Christ does not interpret the Bible literally nor does Community of Christ view God’s intention for creation as destruction and death, but rather the place where God’s mission of reconciliation, love and peace prevail, ie: the Peaceable Kingdom; Zion. More details and information about the way Community of Christ views the background basis of this movie is available. Please let Tim, (tashburn@cofchrist.org) know if you would like this information.
Register now for MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies): February 2—6, 2015. Classes to be offered are Mission and Evangelism with Ron Harmon and Introduction to Spirituality with Katie Harmon-McLaughlin. Cost is $88 per class, or $175 for two classes. Class times will be announced later. For more information visit www.CofChrist.org/meads/schedule.asp. Register by January 16, 2015, by contacting Katy Toese or ext. 2433.
10 Minute News: For more information from the World Church please go to
www.cofchrist.org/news/10min. The 10 Minutes News Report can be subscribed to electronically (see the side bar at the website titled E-Subscriptions.)